Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Theo Gordon, One Single School Day In My Backyard

Theo Gordon, One Single School Day In My Backyard


Lens Rankings

Venture Capital

#626 0.000234 Initialized Capital
#2720 0.000034 Khosla Ventures
#2726 0.000025 Homebrew
#5056 0.000019 A16Z

Culture and Political Economy

#698 0.000211 Bismark Analysis
#5983 0.000007 The Long Now Foundation


#2370 0.000046 Crypto VC
#2436 0.000031 Crypto Infrastructure


#5856 0.000020 The Atlantic
#7850 0.000001 Foreign Policy

Think Tanks

#7850 0.000001 Niskanen Center

Automatically Detected Communities