Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?


The Long Now Foundation

Common Ground With Other Lenses


Weighting Method: equal
Rank Score
1 10.0

Patrick Collison @patrickc

2 9.6

Kevin Kelly @kevin2kelly

3 9.4

Stewart Brand @stewartbrand

4 9.3

David Eagleman @davideagleman

5 9.3

Esther Dyson @edyson

6 9.1

Brian Eno @brianeno

7 8.9

Samo Burja @SamoBurja

8 8.8

Roman Krznaric @romankrznaric

9 8.6

Stuart Candy @futuryst

10 8.6

Paul Saffo @psaffo

11 8.4

Alexander Rose @zander

12 8.3

Peter Schwartz @peterschwartz2

13 7.6

dannyhillis @dannyhillis

14 7.6

Avi Lonny J Brooks @Avilonny

15 7.1

Alicia Eggert @AliciaEggert

Account Rankings

Rank Score
1 9.0

Empatica @empatica

2 9.0

Rosalind Picard @RosalindPicard

3 8.8

Christopher Michel @chrismichel

4 8.8

Michael A. Nielsen @michael_nielsen

5 8.8

Patrick McKenzie @patio11

6 8.7

Paul Graham @paulg

7 8.7

hide.kuroneko @hidekuroneko960

8 8.6

Devon ☀️ @devonzuegel

9 8.6

Balaji Srinivasan @balajis

10 8.5

Mason 🏃‍♂️✂️𐃏 @webdevMason

11 8.5

Jason Crawford @jasoncrawford

12 8.5

José Luis Ricón Fernández de la Puente @ArtirKel

13 8.5

Jeff Weinstein @jeff_weinstein

14 8.5

Noah Smith 🐇 @Noahpinion

15 8.5

Mike Solana @micsolana

16 8.5

Daniel Gross @danielgross

17 8.4

adam solove @asolove

18 8.4

Long Now Foundation @longnow

19 8.4

Andy Matuschak (💉💉—let’s get together!) @andy_matuschak

20 8.4

Austen Allred @Austen

21 8.4

John Collison @collision

22 8.3

Lisa Serice 🎶👯‍♀️ Girl Friday Music and Movement @girlfriday08

23 8.3

MIT Media Lab @medialab

24 8.3

Tara Seshan @tarstarr

25 8.3

Byrne Hobart @ByrneHobart

26 8.3

Epilepsy Foundation of America @EpilepsyFdn

27 8.3

edwin @edwinwee

28 8.3

Nils Gilman @nils_gilman

29 8.3

Sasha de Marigny @sashadem

30 8.3

Kevin Kwok @kevinakwok

31 8.3

Ehsan Hoque @ehsan_hoque

32 8.3

Scott Barry Kaufman @sbkaufman

33 8.3

Casey Newton @CaseyNewton

34 8.3

Bryan William Jones @BWJones

35 8.2

Tobias Lütke @tobi

36 8.2

Robert M. Wachter @Bob_Wachter

37 8.2

Flo Crivello @Altimor

38 8.2

visa is almost done ✍🏾📖 @visakanv

39 8.2

Elad Gil @eladgil

40 8.2

Kim-Mai Cutler @kimmaicutler

41 8.2

Neosensory @neosensory

42 8.2

Venkatesh Rao @vgr

43 8.2

Grady Booch @Grady_Booch

44 8.2

Riva @rivatez

45 8.2

Massimo @Rainmaker1973

46 8.2

Dr Anton Howes @antonhowes

47 8.2

Jorge Ortiz @JorgeO

48 8.2

Ben Thompson @benthompson

49 8.2

Anna Gát 🧭 @TheAnnaGat

50 8.2

Eli Perencevich, MD MS🧼 😷 @eliowa

51 8.2

Zack Kanter @zackkanter

52 8.2

Tyler Cowen @tylercowen

53 8.1

Sriram Krishnan @sriramk

54 8.1

Omar 🚌 @rsnous

55 8.1

Max Roser @MaxCRoser

56 8.1

Ryan Orbuch @orbuch

57 8.1

Nat Friedman @natfriedman

58 8.1

fry @anniefryman

59 8.1

Antonio García Martínez @antoniogm

60 8.1

Eric Topol @EricTopol

61 8.0

James Fallows @JamesFallows

62 8.0

Noah Brand @NoahBrand1

63 8.0

Nadia Eghbal @nayafia

64 8.0

Tatiana Van Campenhout 🌲 @tatsvc

65 8.0

Alexander Berger @albrgr

66 8.0

Hugh Howey @hughhowey

67 8.0

Avi Bryant @avibryant

68 8.0

Benedict Evans @benedictevans

69 8.0

Scott Wiener @Scott_Wiener

70 8.0

Dr. Rana el Kaliouby @kaliouby

71 8.0

Zach Tratar @zachtratar

72 8.0

Dan Romero @dwr

73 8.0

🅐🅩🅛 @aaronzlewis

74 8.0

Celine Halioua @celinehalioua

75 8.0

MIT's MindHandHeart @MindHandHeart

76 8.0

Laura Behrens Wu @LauraBehrensWu

77 8.0

Alex Tabarrok @ATabarrok

78 8.0

delian 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @zebulgar

79 8.0

universal basic danielle @DanielleFong

80 7.9

Star Simpson @starsandrobots

81 7.9

David Singleton @dps

82 7.9

Pamela Paresky (Habits of a Free Mind) @PamelaParesky

83 7.9

Keith Rabois @rabois

84 7.9

Henry Greely @HankGreelyLSJU

85 7.9

Sam Gerstenzang @gerstenzang

86 7.9

Tamara Winter @_TamaraWinter

87 7.9

Chris Anderson @chr1sa

88 7.9

David Chapman @Meaningness

89 7.9

Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

90 7.9

Q @qookins

91 7.9

Pioneer @pioneerdotapp

92 7.9

HBS Alumni @HBSAlumni

93 7.9

Affectiva @Affectiva

94 7.9

Janae Sharp @CoherenceMed

95 7.9

Sar Haribhakti @sarthakgh

96 7.9

amy nguyen @amyngyn

97 7.9

Yascha Mounk @Yascha_Mounk

98 7.9

Zak Kukoff @zck

99 7.9

Steven Pinker @sapinker

100 7.9

chris beiser @ctbeiser

101 7.9

John Carlos Baez @johncarlosbaez

102 7.9

Om Malik @om

103 7.9

Wesley Yang @wesyang

104 7.9

Paul M. Romer @paulmromer

105 7.9

Caleb Watney @calebwatney

106 7.8

Shah Selbe @shahselbe

107 7.8

Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

108 7.8

Nick Schrock @schrockn

109 7.8

Ted Gioia @tedgioia

110 7.8

Adam Marblestone @AdamMarblestone

111 7.8

Prof. Jeff Jarviss @ProfJeffJarviss

112 7.8

natehale (on Gab @Nate_Hale) @natehale

113 7.8

Audrey @auderdy

114 7.8

Ed Yong @edyong209

115 7.8

Danny Did Foundation @DannyDidOrg

116 7.8

Daniel Swain @Weather_West

117 7.8

Eli Dourado @elidourado

118 7.8


119 7.8

Emma P @emmaconcepts

120 7.8

Motoko Rich @motokorich

121 7.8

Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar

122 7.8

stephanie @isosteph

123 7.8

Sarah Constantin @s_r_constantin

124 7.8

Quentin Hardy @qhardy

125 7.8

Thomas Chatterton Williams @thomaschattwill

126 7.8

Charles C. Mann @CharlesCMann

127 7.8

Malthe Sigurdsson @malthe

(Temporarily missing user profile)
129 7.8

John Arnold @JohnArnoldFndtn

130 7.8

Elizabeth @ElizabethJSays

131 7.8

Suhail @Suhail

132 7.8

Cristina Cordova @cjc

133 7.7

Laura Deming @LauraDeming

134 7.7

The End Times @TheAgeofShoddy

135 7.7

🎀 sonya allegedly 🤖 @sonyasupposedly

136 7.7

Ḟreyjạ @utotranslucence

137 7.7

Neeraj K. Agrawal @NeerajKA

138 7.7

David Heinemeier Hansson @dhh

139 7.7

Claire 0xCAFE_BABE @0xhexhex

140 7.7

Jean-Michel Lemieux @jmwind

141 7.7

Matt Ridley @mattwridley

142 7.7

Kanjun Qiu @kanjun

143 7.7

🟣 Lee Edwards @terronk

144 7.7

James Gleick @JamesGleick

145 7.7

Larry Brilliant @larrybrilliant

146 7.7

Kevin Werbach @kwerb

147 7.7

Sara Luterman @slooterman

148 7.7

Pete Halvorsen @petehalvorsen

149 7.7

Joshua Schachter @joshu

150 7.7

John C. Havens @johnchavens

151 7.7

Ava @noampomsky

152 7.7

Darrell "Pass AB 1401" Owens @IDoTheThinking

153 7.7

Neoliberal 🌐 @ne0liberal

154 7.7

Ash Jogalekar @curiouswavefn

155 7.7

Leo Polovets @lpolovets

156 7.7

Eugene Wei @eugenewei

157 7.7

Jason Calacanis @Jason

158 7.7

Tyler Tringas @tylertringas

159 7.7

Simon Sarris @simonsarris

160 7.7

Derek Thompson @DKThomp

161 7.7

David Perell @david_perell

162 7.7

Ben Reinhardt @Ben_Reinhardt

163 7.7

Dylan Field @zoink

164 7.7

Jack Altman @jaltma

165 7.7

Geoffrey Litt @geoffreylitt

166 7.7

🚶🏻Curtis S. Chin @CurtisSChin

167 7.7

Nabeel @nabeelqu

168 7.7

Otis Reid @otis_reid

169 7.7

Isaac Hepworth @isaach

170 7.7

The Creative Brain @CreativityMovie

171 7.7

Brie Wolfson @zebriez

172 7.7

Joshua Jenkins @joshuajenkins

173 7.7

eigenrobot @eigenrobot

174 7.7

Emma Marris @Emma_Marris

175 7.6

David Grinspoon @DrFunkySpoon

(Temporarily missing user profile)
177 7.6

Rebecca McLaughlin @RebeccMcLaugh

178 7.6

InterSystems @InterSystems

179 7.6

ShriramKrishnamurthi @ShriramKMurthi

180 7.6

Autistic Self Advocacy Network @autselfadvocacy

181 7.6

bosco @selentelechia

182 7.6

James is in the year 2030, it's nice @JimmyRis

183 7.6

🪱 @worm_emoji

184 7.6

Kate Taggart @qkate

185 7.6

Carl Zimmer @carlzimmer

186 7.6

Garry Tan @garrytan

187 7.6

Naval @naval

188 7.6

William Powell @ChestnutPowell

189 7.6

Tatyana Kanzaveli @glfceo

190 7.6

Maissam Barkeshli @MBarkeshli

191 7.6

Alexandra Drane @adrane

192 7.6

Jeremy Horpedahl 🍞🔕 @jmhorp

193 7.6

William Gibson @GreatDismal

194 7.6

Erik Torenberg @eriktorenberg

195 7.6

Simon DeDeo @SimonDeDeo

196 7.6

Sam Altman @sama

197 7.6

Liz Voeller @voeliz

198 7.6

Bijan Sabet @bijan

199 7.6

Alfie Goodrich @AlfieJapanorama

200 7.6

Ward Carroll @wardcarroll

201 7.6

Antonio Regalado @antonioregalado

202 7.6

Philip E. Tetlock @PTetlock

203 7.6

Jeff Dean @JeffDean

204 7.6

𝔊𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔫 @gwern

205 7.6

Nick Cammarata @nickcammarata

206 7.6

Wolf Tivy @wolftivy

207 7.6

Arram Sabeti @arram

208 7.6

Justin M. Overdorff @jmover

209 7.6

Michael Schade @sch

210 7.6

Rolf Degen @DegenRolf

211 7.6

Aaron Levie @levie

212 7.6

David Wolpe @RabbiWolpe

213 7.6

Emil O. W. Kirkegaard @KirkegaardEmil

214 7.6

DK @dksf

215 7.6

Josh Elman 🇺🇸 @joshelman

216 7.6

thekat @thekat411

217 7.6

James Lindsay, DARPA for the culture war @ConceptualJames

218 7.6

Mehdi Yacoubi @Mehdiyac

219 7.6

Amit Pandey @amit_fygw

220 7.6

Ted Wang @twang

221 7.6

Robert P. George @McCormickProf

222 7.6

Vitalik Buterin @VitalikButerin

223 7.6

Jay Shirley @jshirley

224 7.6

Tommy Collison @tommycollison

225 7.6

Kevin Riggle @kevinriggle

226 7.6

🐟 @turtlekiosk

227 7.6

Sam🔔 @sam_a_bell

228 7.6 @jonst0kes

229 7.6

QC 💉 HIMBO☆SUMMER @QiaochuYuan

230 7.6

Kamil Choudhury @kchoudhu

231 7.6

Revive & Restore @Revive_Restore

232 7.6

Dan Rose @DanRose999

233 7.5

Lama @LamaAlRajih

234 7.5

David Gouldin @dgouldin

235 7.5

Fort Mason Center @FortMasoninSF

236 7.5

Agnes Callard @AgnesCallard

237 7.5

Alec Stapp @AlecStapp

238 7.5

Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

239 7.5

Alexander Schatten @alex_buzz

240 7.5

Bernie Michalik @blm849

241 7.5

Cindy Gallop @cindygallop

242 7.5

modest proposal @modestproposal1

243 7.5

Pinboard @Pinboard

244 7.5

Nathanael Johnson @SavorTooth

245 7.5

Christina Koukkos @ckoukkos

246 7.5

Steve Goldberg @Steve_Goldberg

247 7.5

Jonathan Hursh @jonathan_hursh

248 7.5

Mikael Pawlo @mpawlo

(Temporarily missing user profile)
250 7.5

Sherry Reynolds 🌟 @Cascadia

251 7.5

Thairu @thairu

252 7.5

Eric Weinstein @EricRWeinstein

253 7.5

Adam Ozimek @ModeledBehavior

254 7.5

Shakthi @v_shakthi

255 7.5

Anecdotal @anecdotal

256 7.5

Thomas H. Ptacek @tqbf

257 7.5

Peter Wall Institute @WallInstitute

258 7.5

Stephen Schueller @steveschueller

259 7.5

𝐓𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐬 @TiffanyKairos

260 7.5

Eugene Borukhovich @HealthEugene

261 7.5

Caspar Henderson @casparhenderson

262 7.5

Amy Hoy @amyhoy

263 7.5

leslieblodgett @LeslieBlodgett

264 7.5

Josh Felser @Joshmedia

265 7.5

Hillel is teaching a workshop @hillelogram

266 7.5

shidoshi @shidoshi

267 7.5

Filip Peraić @filiperaic

268 7.5

Amjad Masad ⠕ @amasad

269 7.5

Ben Southwood @bswud

270 7.5

Greg Lukianoff @glukianoff

271 7.5

Thoughts of Dog® @dog_feelings

272 7.5

Rembrandt @artistrembrandt

273 7.5

Chetan Puttagunta @chetanp

274 7.5

Brian Delahunty @briandela

275 7.5

Paula @paularambles

276 7.5

Maria Popova @brainpicker

277 7.5

Patricia @patriciamou_

278 7.5

Michael Perry 🍁 @michaelperry

279 7.5

Bruno Maçães @MacaesBruno

280 7.5

Avichal Garg - Electric Capital ⚡💸 @avichal

281 7.5

Andy Greenberg @a_greenberg

282 7.5

Jo Scott @jo_scott

283 7.5

Channa Prakash @AgBioWorld

284 7.5

Matthew Rosenberg @AshcanPress

285 7.5

Patrick OShaughnessy @patrick_oshag

286 7.5

Beatriz @BeatrizGietner

287 7.5

Bret Taylor @btaylor

288 7.5

Susan J. Fowler @susanthesquark

289 7.5

scientism @mr_scientism

290 7.5

Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald

291 7.5

Noah Pepper @noahmp

292 7.5

Interval at Long Now @Interval

293 7.5

Steven Klaiber-Noble @snoble

294 7.5

Vishal Gulati @VishalGulati_

295 7.5

Kara Swisher @karaswisher

296 7.5

ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ʟɪᴠᴇs ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ @timoni

297 7.5

Ben Casnocha @bencasnocha

298 7.5

John Preskill @preskill

299 7.5

Steve Stewart-Williams @SteveStuWill

300 7.5

Chloé Valdary @cvaldary

301 7.5

Andrew Reed @andrew__reed

302 7.5

🟣 Irma Raste✨ Influence Through Storytelling ™ @IrmaRaste

303 7.5

Jane Metcalfe @janemetcalfe

304 7.5

Spencer Miller @percentcer

305 7.5

Nick Arner @nickarner

306 7.5

Recall 欺善暴丁 @cyantist

307 7.5

Kyle Tibbitts @KyleTibbitts

308 7.5

Alexey Guzey @alexeyguzey

309 7.5

© JIMMY KNUCKLES - *James Rowan* @FStopClick37

310 7.5

john curley @johncurley

311 7.5

Annie Gaus @AnnieGaus

312 7.5

Samuel Hammond 🌐🏛 @hamandcheese

313 7.5

David Doswell @david_doswell

314 7.5

Sam Bowman @s8mb

315 7.5

🌀 @HipCityReg

316 7.5

Claire HughesJohnson 🇺🇸 @chughesjohnson

317 7.4

Hannah Ritchie @_HannahRitchie

318 7.4

Meredith Frost @MeredithFrost

319 7.4

Shreyas Doshi @shreyas

320 7.4

The vOICe vision 😷 @seeingwithsound

321 7.4

Ashley Mayer @ashleymayer

322 7.4

Thomas Scientific, LLC @ThomasSci

323 7.4

Aella @Aella_Girl

324 7.4

Robin Hanson @robinhanson

325 7.4

Cory Doctorow @doctorow

(Temporarily missing user profile)
327 7.4

Chris Loughnane @pchrisl

328 7.4

Dr. Jacqueline Kory-Westlund @jacquelinekory

329 7.4

Andrew Schiffmiller @BenZviGroup

330 7.4

Alex Plank @alexplank

331 7.4

Natasha Jaques @natashajaques

332 7.4

Michael B. Johnson @drwave

333 7.4

Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

334 7.4

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) @MIT

335 7.4

Janey Muñoz @jnymnz

336 7.4

Edward Boyden @eboyden3

337 7.4

Shopify @Shopify

338 7.4

Rob Carlson @rob_carlson

339 7.4

John Gruber @gruber

340 7.4

Aditya Mukerjee, the Otterrific 🦦 🏳️‍🌈 @chimeracoder

341 7.4

John Lilly @johnolilly

342 7.4

justin @itunpredictable

343 7.4

Ernie Tedeschi @ernietedeschi

344 7.4

Michelle Dawson @autismcrisis

345 7.4

Alice de Queens 🏳️‍🌈 @AliceFromQueens

346 7.4

Trevor Blackwell @tlbtlbtlb

347 7.4

Erle Ellis (艾尔青) @erleellis

348 7.4

Allen Wirfs-Brock @awbjs

349 7.4

Ben Rosen @Rosen

350 7.4

Aging Highlights @aginghighlights

351 7.4

Kentarō Iwata @georgebest1969

352 7.4

Laurie Voss @seldo

353 7.4

David R. MacIver @DRMacIver

354 7.4

spakhm.eth @spakhm

355 7.4

Open Ocean Exploration @RebeccaRHelm

356 7.4

neil turkewitz @neilturkewitz

357 7.4

Antoinette 🦈🍩🍗 @twaffl3s

358 7.4

Scott Heiferman @heif

359 7.4

Noah Tye @noahlt

(Temporarily missing user profile)
361 7.4

karen e. watson @anewyorkgirl

(Temporarily missing user profile)
363 7.4

kristinmilburn @kristinmilburn

(Temporarily missing user profile)
365 7.4

michael j stolarczyk @mjstolarczyk

366 7.4

Brian Dear @brianstorms

(Temporarily missing user profile)
368 7.4

Wanona Satcher @wajisa

369 7.4

Jeff Sonstein 📡 @jeffsonstein

370 7.4

Vessy #BlackLivesMatter |🏳️‍🌈🇧🇬🇮🇪| she/they @vessytash

371 7.4

Shannon Brownlee @ShannonBrownlee

372 7.4

Lynn O’Connor Vos @lynnvos

373 7.4

Roopa Unnikrishnan @roopaonline

374 7.4

Emi Gal @emigal

375 7.4

Anders Sandberg @anderssandberg

376 7.4

Ivo Spigel @ivospigel

377 7.4

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ @pifafu

378 7.4

Stripe Press @stripepress

379 7.4

Grant Sanderson @3blue1brown

380 7.4

Kane @kane

381 7.4

nic carter @nic__carter

382 7.4

Timothy Gowers @wtgowers

383 7.4

Misha Gurevich. Angel Investor, Photographer. @drethelin

384 7.4

science quote @sciquotes

(Temporarily missing user profile)
386 7.4

Sloane ✨ @SloaneSays

387 7.4

DJ Patil @dpatil

388 7.4

Matt Fahrner @mattfahrner

389 7.4

Victor Vescovo @VictorVescovo

390 7.4

Antarctic Logistics @Antarctic_ALE

391 7.4

new york times best selling AUTHOR JONNY SUN @jonnysun

392 7.4

Canongate @canongatebooks

393 7.4

Dan Rubin @danrubin

394 7.4

Des Traynor @destraynor

395 7.4

Kevin Simler @KevinSimler

396 7.4

Stephen Pimentel @StephenPiment

397 7.4

Semil @semil

398 7.4

Mckay Wrigley @mckaywrigley

399 7.4

Irène DB @UrbanFoxxxx

400 7.4

🛠 Kenneth Auchenberg @auchenberg

401 7.4

Himbrogrammer @mattbasta

402 7.4

The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln

403 7.4

Zaddy Aang 🧦🌐🔰🌹 @SocksxMC

404 7.4

Violeta𓅓 @MamanLunettes

405 7.4

Will Larson @Lethain

406 7.4

Conor Dougherty @ConorDougherty

407 7.4

Taylor Lorenz @TaylorLorenz

408 7.4

Edouard Mathieu @redouad

409 7.4

Mengxi Lu @mengxilu

410 7.4

Matt @regulatorynerd

411 7.4

Corey Quinn @QuinnyPig

412 7.4

Rivalist Massif @nosilverv

413 7.4

Kai Ryssdal @kairyssdal

414 7.4

George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

415 7.4

ISB @isbsci

416 7.4

Sabine Hossenfelder @skdh

417 7.4

Matthew Graham @mattysino

418 7.4

Anthony Barnett @AnthonyBarnett

419 7.4

Michael Seibel @mwseibel

420 7.4

James Medlock @jdcmedlock

421 7.4

Nathan Taylor @ntaylor963

422 7.4

the Fully Vaxxed Tallest @spooknine

423 7.4

Denny Britz @dennybritz

424 7.3

The Cosmic Shambles Network @cosmicshambles

425 7.3

London Breed @LondonBreed

426 7.3

Francesco Onorati @OnoratiFra

427 7.3

Nicholas Beale @Starcourse

428 7.3

Sail for Epilepsy - Phil Haydon @sailforepilepsy

429 7.3

Javier Hernandez @javherriv

430 7.3

David Su @usdivad

(Temporarily missing user profile)
432 7.3

Progress Studies For Young Scholars @progresscourse

433 7.3

Ana Maiques @ana_maiques

434 7.3

Katelyn Gleason @katgleason

435 7.3

MIT Students @MITstudents

436 7.3

James Todaro, MD @JamesTodaroMD

437 7.3

Adam Strandberg @The_Lagrangian

438 7.3

Harley Finkelstein @harleyf

439 7.3

yarko @yarkot

440 7.3

Chloe Luv @ChloeLuv_PSO

441 7.3

Lulie @reasonisfun

442 7.3

The Lavin Agency @TheLavinAgency

443 7.3

Henry Rothwell @HenryRothwell

444 7.3

Andrew Revkin @Revkin

445 7.3

Haben Girma👩🏿‍🦯 @HabenGirma

446 7.3

Kate Raworth @KateRaworth

447 7.3

Saku Panditharatne @asteroid_saku

448 7.3

Feifan Zhou @FeifanZ

449 7.3

Cassava @CassavaSF

450 7.3

Gideon @ghod

451 7.3

Ryan Jones @rjonesy

452 7.3

Sunil Rajaraman @subes01

453 7.3

María @mchdiez

454 7.3

Alfred A. Knopf @AAKnopf

455 7.3

Kevin Lacker @lacker

456 7.3

Jesse Singal @jessesingal

457 7.3

M.G. Siegler @mgsiegler

458 7.3

Archillect @archillect

459 7.3

Steve Hind @stevehind

460 7.3

Eliezer Yudkowsky @ESYudkowsky

461 7.3

marius eriksen @marius

462 7.3

Palladium Magazine @palladiummag

463 7.3

Rakesh Bhandari @postdiscipline

464 7.3

Adam Tooze @adam_tooze

465 7.3

David Deutsch @DavidDeutschOxf

466 7.3

Shane 🇨🇦 @tobermorylife

467 7.3

Laura Inserra @laurainserra

468 7.3

John Gilbey @John_Gilbey

469 7.3

anne dwane @adwane

470 7.3

Jenni💫 @Dr__ColJenni

471 7.3

Leica Camera USA @LeicaCameraUSA

472 7.3

Sonal Shah @SonalRShah

473 7.3

Annie Jacobsen @AnnieJacobsen

474 7.3

Nadia Drake @nadiamdrake

475 7.3

Scott Kupor @skupor

476 7.3

Thomas Hawk @thomashawk

477 7.3

Greg Lidrbauch @GregLidrbauch

478 7.3

Chely Wright @chelywright

479 7.3

An-Cap Quotes @ancapquotes

480 7.3

The RSA @theRSAorg

481 7.3

dj microbeads @djmicrobeads

482 7.3

Jamelle Bouie @jbouie

483 7.3

Stefan Schubert @StefanFSchubert

484 7.3

Owen Williams ⚡ @ow

485 7.3

Thony Christie @rmathematicus

486 7.3

Justin Amash @justinamash

487 7.3

Alex Danco @Alex_Danco

488 7.3

Chad Orzel @orzelc

489 7.3

Town Hall Seattle @THSEA

490 7.3

Ramez Naam @ramez

491 7.3

mattparlmer 🌷 @mattparlmer

492 7.3

Tim Hwang @timhwang

493 7.3

Megan McArdle @asymmetricinfo

494 7.3

Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug

495 7.3

Mike Isaac @MikeIsaac

496 7.3

Marc Benioff @Benioff

497 7.3

👨🏻‍💻☕️ @hunterwalk

498 7.3

Robin Ince @robinince

499 7.3

Andrea Matranga @andreamatranga

500 7.3

Jane Natoli 🥑🚲🍍 @wafoli

501 7.3

Stian Westlake @stianwestlake

502 7.3

Cedric Chin @ejames_c

503 7.3

Bri Kimmel @briannekimmel

504 7.3

Geoffrey F. Miller @primalpoly

505 7.3 @saifedean

506 7.3

Neal Katyal @neal_katyal

507 7.3

Jeremiah Owyang @jowyang

508 7.3

(((Jonathan Robinson))) @jon_m_rob

509 7.3

Lin-Manuel Miranda @Lin_Manuel

510 7.3

Carey Borkoski, Ph.D., Ed.D. @TellMeThisPod

511 7.3

defaultfriend.eth @default_friend

512 7.3

Jay Rosen @jayrosen_nyu

513 7.3

Daman Rangoola @damanr

514 7.3

Christina Farr @chrissyfarr

515 7.3

Joyce Park @troutgirl

516 7.3

luke miles @ylukem

517 7.3

Josh Wolfe @wolfejosh

518 7.3

Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings

519 7.3

Carl Bergstrom @CT_Bergstrom

520 7.3

astrotweeps: Pratik (@astrogandhi) @astrotweeps

521 7.3

Scott Gottlieb @ScottGottliebMD

522 7.3

Matt Clancy @mattsclancy

(Temporarily missing user profile)
524 7.3

Steve Randy Waldman @interfluidity

525 7.3

Katie Herzog @kittypurrzog

526 7.3

Jason ✨BeKind✨ Lemkin ⚫️ @jasonlk

527 7.3

Andy Slavitt @ASlavitt

528 7.3

Bret Devereaux @BretDevereaux

529 7.3

James Clark 📈📉¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @mr_james_c

530 7.3

Kris Kowal💉💉💯 🧙🏻‍♂️🧝🏻‍♀️ @kriskowal

531 7.3

Ryan Delk @delk

532 7.3

Jason Harrison @nominalthoughts

533 7.3

Laurie Garrett @Laurie_Garrett

534 7.3

Stripe @stripe

535 7.3

Jordan Cooper @jordancooper

536 7.3

John Aziz 🚀🎸🌍 @aziz0nomics

537 7.3

nicole @nwilliams030

538 7.2

yoshiki @yoshikischmitz

539 7.2

John Backus @backus

540 7.2

Erica Baker @EricaJoy

541 7.2

MindShift @MindShiftKQED

542 7.2

Raymond Tonsing @tonsing

543 7.2

Matt Wensing 🐙 @mattwensing

544 7.2

Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

545 7.2

alice maz @alicemazzy

546 7.2

Aging Science News @AgingBiology

547 7.2

Liminal Warmth ❤️ @liminal_warmth

548 7.2

Robert Reich @RBReich

549 7.2

Jarred Sumner @jarredsumner

550 7.2

Dave 🥓 @dabacon

551 7.2

Ash Milton @miltonwrites

552 7.2

Vikram Bath1 @vikrambath1

553 7.2

Matt Bateman @mbateman

554 7.2

Greg Grunberg @greggrunberg

555 7.2

Arne Roomann-Kurrik @kurrik

556 7.2

Soona @soonaorlater

557 7.2

Isaac Wilks @wilks_isaac

558 7.2

Leslie Schrock @lesliejz

559 7.2

Mike D. @MikD

560 7.2

Michele Hansen @mjwhansen

561 7.2

patricknward @patricknward

562 7.2

Jonathan Stone @Jon__Stone

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
565 7.2

Rahel Jhirad @RahelJhirad

(Temporarily missing user profile)
567 7.2

Thomas Triumph @thomastriumph

568 7.2

Adimika Arthur @AdimikaA

569 7.2

Ava Schiffer @AvaSchiffer

570 7.2

Johannes Ernst @Johannes_Ernst

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
573 7.2

Janice K. Mandel @JaniceKMandel

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
576 7.2

Talya #StaythefuckHome #wearadamnmask @Talya

577 7.2

Nick Arnett @naarnett

578 7.2

Michael R. Bock @michaelrbock

579 7.2

goov @guavault

580 7.2

Rob Mayeda @RobMayeda

581 7.2

Mark Lutter @MarkLutter

582 7.2

Web Smith @web

583 7.2

Colin Mortimer 🌐 @colinmort

584 7.2

st. @seyitaylor

585 7.2

Robert Wright @robertwrighter

586 7.2

Ashlee Vance @ashleevance

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
591 7.2

David Hobbet @hobbet

(Temporarily missing user profile)
593 7.2

Hatice Gunes @HatijeGyunesh

594 7.2

Dr. Tracy Dixon-Salazar @TracyDixonSalaz

595 7.2


596 7.2

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein @platobooktour

597 7.2

JD 🌎 @JDcarlu

(Temporarily missing user profile)
599 7.2

Glenn Charles Photography @GlennCharlesPh1

600 7.2

salim madjd @salimmadjd

601 7.2

A. @AlShareefah

602 7.2

Felix @felixjr1

603 7.2

David Hodge @DavidHodge

604 7.2

Ben Matasar @matasar

605 7.2

Dare Obasanjo @Carnage4Life

606 7.2

Ash Kalra @Ash_Kalra

607 7.2

Kevin Fox is hopeful 🦊😷 @kfury

608 7.2

Natalie E. Dean @nataliexdean

609 7.2

Brezina 🌳👧🏼👶🏽🌳 @brezina

610 7.2

Sam D'Amico @sdamico

611 7.2

Felix Aurora @soxgoodyanksbad

612 7.2

Brian Jay Jones @brianjayjones

613 7.2

OBDsity | Bunnies in a Bun Dance 🐰✖6️⃣➕🌈🥄 @obdsity

614 7.2

Diana S. Fleischman @sentientist

615 7.2

Atul Butte @atulbutte

616 7.2

bletchley punk @alicegoldfuss

617 7.2

ΞWoki in Quadratic Lands 🌈🌅 @owocki

618 7.2

Jessica Sidman @jsidman

619 7.2

Dina D. Pomeranz @DinaPomeranz

620 7.2

Brian Heligman @BrianTHeligman

621 7.2

Charles Arthur @charlesarthur

622 7.2

Tom Bilyeu @TomBilyeu

623 7.2

Geoff Lewis @GeoffLewisOrg

624 7.2

Alex Kantrowitz @Kantrowitz

625 7.2

Justin Kan @justinkan

626 7.2

Gretchen McCulloch @GretchenAMcC

627 7.2

Jarrod Dicker @jarroddicker

628 7.2

Kim Taylor @kimmytaylor

629 7.2

Stuart Buck @stuartbuck1

630 7.2

Vanessa Bell @cremetoursBA

631 7.2

Steven Buss 🥑 🌐 @sbuss

632 7.2

EllieR @__EllieR__

633 7.2

gulay ogansoy @dalgaetkisi

634 7.2

Great Scott @GreatScottMusic

635 7.2

T Wolf 🌁 @Twolfrecovery

636 7.2

Equality California @eqca

637 7.2

Alex Cohen @anothercohen

638 7.2

Zeynep Tüfekçi @zeynep

639 7.2

Silvia Stringhini @silviast9

640 7.2

cosy (honey butter chip) @codygeronimo

641 7.2

Keegs 🧮🏳️‍🌈 @LittleKeegs0

642 7.2

Matthew Zeitlin @MattZeitlin

643 7.2

The Real Noah Smith (either a cake or a rabbit) 🧨 @latenitenoah

644 7.2

Matt Grossmann @MattGrossmann

645 7.2

Molly Jong-Fast @MollyJongFast

646 7.2

Pantheon Books @PantheonBooks

647 7.2

📙 Alex Hillman @alexhillman

648 7.2

john voss (né @h4n4w4lt) @heyjovo

649 7.2

Nicholas Paul Brysiewicz @nicholaspaul26

650 7.2

Sophia Batchelor @brainonsilicon

651 7.2

Loren Padelford @LorenPadelford

652 7.2

Nick Looijmans @nilo

653 7.2

Federico Italiano @FedeItaliano76

654 7.2

Sarah Cooper @sarahcpr

655 7.2

Kevin Roose @kevinroose

656 7.2

Alex Sexton @SlexAxton

657 7.2

merce’s cunning ham @mioalter

658 7.2

Kaden Hazzard @QuantumHazzard

659 7.2

Cathy Reisenwitz 🏗🌐🥑 @CathyReisenwitz

660 7.2

David Siegel @dvdsgl

661 7.2

Julia Shaw @drjuliashaw

662 7.2

Jon Zieger @JZieger

663 7.2

David Farrier @David_Farrier

664 7.2

James Dyett @dyett

665 7.2

Dustin Moskovitz @moskov

666 7.2

Zachary Murray @Rudefire

667 7.2

Jim Watson @JimWatsonOttawa

668 7.2

Arnaud Schenk @_ArnaudS_

669 7.2

Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson

670 7.2

Sheel Mohnot @pitdesi

671 7.2

Alice Evans @_alice_evans

672 7.2

C Thi Nguyen @add_hawk

673 7.2

Ari Armstrong @ariarmstrong

674 7.2

T. Greer @Scholars_Stage

675 7.2

Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad

676 7.2

Katherine Boyle @KTmBoyle

677 7.2

Richard Craib @richardcraib

678 7.2

David Haber @dhaber

679 7.2

double @SFCdouble

680 7.2

Ray Girn @raygirn

681 7.2

Lorena Gonzalez @LorenaSGonzalez

682 7.2

Cake is Kate. Always has been. 💫 @kefimochi

683 7.2

Michael Garfield 💫 #FutureFossils @michaelgarfield

684 7.2

Marco Piani @Marco_Piani

685 7.2

Satish Kanwar @skanwar

686 7.2

Brian Eno @dark_shark

687 7.2

may-li 🐯 khoe @mayli

688 7.2

parker @pt

689 7.2

Azeem Azhar @azeem

690 7.2

John McCafferty @jdmccafferty

691 7.2

George T. Conway III @gtconway3d

692 7.2

larry "white boy" summers🌹 @uhshanti

693 7.2

Pamela J. Hobart @amelapay

694 7.1

Andrew Chen @andrewchen

695 7.1

Kelly Sims @kellylsims

696 7.1

Dr. Gunn @mrgunn

697 7.1

Robert McNees @mcnees

698 7.1

suuuperposition @suuuperposition

699 7.1

Tim Peacock @tmdpcck

700 7.1

Will Manidis @WillManidis

701 7.1

Arianna Simpson @AriannaSimpson

702 7.1

Thomas Sowell @ThomasSowell

703 7.1

Fiona McKean @FionaMcK

704 7.1

SeanSilcoff @SeanSilcoff

705 7.1

Blake Robbins @blakeir

706 7.1

Eliot Peper @eliotpeper

707 7.1

Arnob 'missile defense is a scam' Alam 🌐 @arnoblalam

708 7.1

P. Oscar Boykin @posco

709 7.1

Hannah Davis 🦈 @ahandvanish

710 7.1

Dan Kaminsky @dakami

711 7.1

Dr. Scott R. Furtwengler @sfurtwengler

712 7.1

Claude Monet @artistmonet

713 7.1

ANTIREZ @antirez

714 7.1

Pushkar @magicsilicon

715 7.1

Crusoe the Dachshund @Celeb_Dachshund

716 7.1

Jackie Ess @jackie_ess

717 7.1

Chelsea Otakan @chexee

718 7.1

Michael S Galpert @msg

719 7.1

Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

720 7.1

Clo (17/100) @Clo__S

721 7.1

Savvy @SavvyKreykes

722 7.1

NWS Bay Area @NWSBayArea

723 7.1

Matt Clifford @matthewclifford

724 7.1

Arlen Parsa @arlenparsa

725 7.1

Sam Harris @SamHarrisOrg

726 7.1

Joscha Bach @Plinz

727 7.1

Brad 🧢 ₿ @b05crypto

728 7.1

Alchemy @AlchemyPlatform

729 7.1

Eirini Malliaraki @irinimalliaraki

730 7.1

Ina Fried @inafried

731 7.1


732 7.1

Rod Graham @roderickgraham

733 7.1

LeVar Hosting Jeopardy July 26-30 Stan Account👁 @csilverandgold

734 7.1

Brad Simpson @bradleyrsimpson

735 7.1

Dr Wendy L Schultz @wendyinfutures

736 7.1

Brandon Dail @aweary

737 7.1

Kevin Clark @vernalkick

738 7.1

Craig Miller @craigmillr

739 7.1

evil maid @lenazun

740 7.1

Tiffany Shlain @tiffanyshlain

741 7.1

Laura Friedman @laurafriedman43

742 7.1

Pseudoerasmus @pseudoerasmus

743 7.1

Matthew Holt @boltyboy

744 7.1

Buffy Wicks @BuffyWicks

745 7.1

Auren Hoffman @auren

746 7.1

Amy Alkon @amyalkon

747 7.1

Michael P Gibson @William_Blake

748 7.1

Brad Silverberg @bradsilverberg

749 7.1

Bill Bishop @niubi

750 7.1

ghosttyped.eth @ghosttyped

751 7.1

denisc @deniscollison

752 7.1

Rochelle Kopp / Japan Intercultural Consulting @JapanIntercult

753 7.1

Rob Hogg @SenatorRobHogg

754 7.1

Jeffrey Tumlin @jeffreytumlin

755 7.1

James Riney🐠Coral Capital @james_riney

756 7.1

julie pagano @juliepagano

757 7.1

James Rosen-Birch 🛸🔮🛠 @provisionalidea

758 7.1

@rogerclark @rogerclark

759 7.1

Robert Tracinski @Tracinski

760 7.1

Porochista Khakpour @PKhakpour

761 7.1

Mike Masnick @mmasnick

762 7.1

pepe contac-x3 🇲🇽 @pepex333

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
765 7.1

Gerardo Gonzalez @gerardogonzale9

766 7.1

aries snake @ariesnake

767 7.1

Rosaura Brisuela @Roswitamind

768 7.1

Anthony David @ProfTonyDavid

(Temporarily missing user profile)
770 7.1

Eric García-López 🧠⚖️ @ericgarcialopez

771 7.1

V @ThatFabulist

772 7.1

Matthew Herper @matthewherper

773 7.1

How To Academy @howtoacademy

(Temporarily missing user profile)
775 7.1

Jonah Bennett 🌐🚀 @BennettJonah

776 7.1

Chrissy🌈🎬💜 @ChrissyCantHear

777 7.1

Long Now Spain @longnowspain

778 7.1

Heather Heying @HeatherEHeying

779 7.1

BBC Ideas💡 @bbcideas

780 7.1

Tim Urban @waitbutwhy

781 7.1

RSA Events @RSAEvents

782 7.1

張 kyle 張 @beefhoagie

783 7.1

Dan Schreiber @Schreiberland

784 7.1

🅑🅔🅝 🏔🏕 @ben_mathes

785 7.1

Preston Pysh @PrestonPysh

786 7.1 @dev_nikema

787 7.1

Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

(Temporarily missing user profile)
789 7.1

Kelly Vaughn 🐞 @kvlly

790 7.1

Boris Jabes @borisjabes

791 7.1

Melissa Blake @melissablake

792 7.1 @HumanProgress

793 7.1

John McWhorter @JohnHMcWhorter

794 7.1

Virgin @Virgin

795 7.1

#WOMENSART @womensart1

796 7.1

Jason Jacobs 🇺🇸 @jjacobs22

797 7.1

Gaurav Vohra @gauravvohra1

798 7.1

Wong Joon Ian @joonian

799 7.1

brantly.eth @BrantlyMillegan

800 7.1

Marshall Kosloff @makosloff

801 7.1

𝗡𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗻 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘆 @mnolangray

802 7.1

Francois Balloux @BallouxFrancois

803 7.1

Rob Hopkins @robintransition

804 7.1

Manuel Araoz @maraoz

805 7.1

Oliver Snoddy @olisnoddy

806 7.1

Louis Mirante @louismirante

807 7.1

Christopher Daniel @polysemic

808 7.1

Yan Zhang @krzhang

809 7.1

Matthew J. Peterson @docMJP

810 7.1

Alex Rampell @arampell

811 7.1

Jennifer Rubin @JRubinBlogger

812 7.1

Jeff Lonsdale @JeffLonsdale

813 7.1

Maria Chaplia @mchapliaa

814 7.1

Arnold Ventures @Arnold_Ventures

815 7.1

Anna Wang 🔅 @a_nnawang

816 7.1

Sanna Madan @sanna_madan

817 7.1

Penelope is 🏳️‍⚧️ @penelope_zone

818 7.1

Morgan Housel @morganhousel

819 7.1

KimSia Sim 🇸🇬💻📗 @KimStacks

820 7.1

Peter Bhat Harkins @pushcx

821 7.1

Dr. Dana Jones @dlwest07

822 7.1

bayes baes bays based baste @bayes_baes

823 7.1

Joel Hooks 🌦 @jhooks

824 7.1

Dr Seán DOOLAN 🐇🤗 💙🍃💚☘️ @SDinPraxis

825 7.1

Zeke Hausfather @hausfath

826 7.1

Julia Galef @juliagalef

827 7.1

Whole Earth 50th @WholeEarth50th

828 7.1

The Long Time Project @LongTimeProject

829 7.1

Kevin Watkins @KevinAtSave

830 7.1

Matthew Ball @ballmatthew

831 7.1

Nigel Warburton #RejoinEU @philosophybites

832 7.1

Naomi Wu @RealSexyCyborg

833 7.1

scott budman @scottbudman

834 7.1

Kaz Nejatian @CanadaKaz

835 7.1

Olof Mathé @olofster

836 7.1

marie ennui: guillotine operator @PastaVersaucy

837 7.1

Peter Conti-Brown @PeterContiBrown

838 7.1

Sean J. Taylor @seanjtaylor

839 7.1

sotonye @cybersygh

840 7.1

of arms and the devil-man i sing @swimming_blerd

841 7.1

Douglas Kim @douglasfunniest

842 7.1

𝙅𝙪𝙖𝙣 𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙙 𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙤 @jdcampolargo

843 7.1

Tim Harford @TimHarford

844 7.1

Karen Chee @karencheee

845 7.1

Marlee Matlin @MarleeMatlin

846 7.1

Tristan Homsi @homsiT

847 7.1

Duncan Weldon @DuncanWeldon

848 7.1

☠️ buriticá ☠️ @buritica

849 7.1

Marc Goldwein - GET VAXXED @MarcGoldwein

850 7.1

Matjaž Leonardis @MatjazLeonardis

851 7.1

Tim Latimer @TimMLatimer

852 7.1

Hunter Horsley @HHorsley

853 7.1

Victor Mota @vimota

854 7.1

Jason Kottke @kottke

(Temporarily missing user profile)
856 7.1

Kontra @counternotions

857 7.1

Adrienne Porter Felt @__apf__

858 7.1

Siranush Babakhanova @siranushbb

859 7.1

Caleb Porzio @calebporzio

860 7.1

Omnivore Books @omnivorebooks

861 7.1

Zach Weinberg ™ @zachweinberg

862 7.1

ぱる @gsm_iham2

863 7.1

Bridget Phetasy @BridgetPhetasy

864 7.1

Jane Davidson @JaneBryngwyn

865 7.1

Bina Venkataraman @binajv

866 7.1

R.Сам 🦋🐏 @Logo_Daedalus

867 7.1

David V. Johnson @contrarianp

868 7.1

Camille Fournier @skamille

869 7.0

logan bartlett @loganbartlett

870 7.0

Seb Falk @Seb_Falk

871 7.0

Saloni 🏳️‍🌈 @salonium

872 7.0

Shannon Mattern @shannonmattern

873 7.0

Divia Eden @diviacaroline

874 7.0

Sekar Kathiresan @skathire

875 7.0

Evaric Weicksel @evaricweicksel

876 7.0

stucchio @stucchio

877 7.0

Josh Doody @JoshDoody

878 7.0

✨kf ✨ @kf

879 7.0

Matthew Martin @hyperplanes

880 7.0

jamaican NOPsled team @Theophite

881 7.0

Long Now London @LongNowLdn

882 7.0

(Fiscal Year 2022) 🇲🇽🇵🇷 @daguilarcanabal

883 7.0

Prof Jamie Woodward @Jamie_Woodward_

884 7.0

James Wong @Botanygeek

885 7.0

Ser Jeff Garzik @jgarzik

886 7.0

Iona Italia, PhD @IonaItalia

887 7.0

Jelena Jansson @jelenajansson

(Temporarily missing user profile)
889 7.0

JHU Education @JHUeducation

890 7.0

Matt Haney @MattHaneySF

891 7.0

Brian Patrick Eha @brianeha

892 7.0

Hadrian Belove @hadrianbelove

893 7.0

Guy English @gte

894 7.0

Jason Van Schoor @jasonvanschoor

895 7.0

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays

896 7.0

Disney Gary Clark @Itamar1710

897 7.0

Lee Byron @leeb

898 7.0

Jason Bordoff @JasonBordoff

899 7.0

jefflab @jefflab

900 7.0

Joyce Carol Oates @JoyceCarolOates

901 7.0

JR @JRart

902 7.0

Jon Evans @rezendi

903 7.0

m@ 😷💉 @mattschaar

904 7.0

Daniel Lemire @lemire

905 7.0

Butt Praxis @buttpraxis

906 7.0

Soviet Visuals @sovietvisuals

907 7.0

Beth Shelburne @bshelburne

908 7.0

David Mitchell @DavidP4AD

909 7.0

Dan Rather @DanRather

910 7.0

Johns Hopkins University @JohnsHopkins

911 7.0

PoliMath @politicalmath

912 7.0

Suz Hinton @noopkat

913 7.0

Craig Newmark @craignewmark

914 7.0

Peter Grinspoon MD @Peter_Grinspoon

915 7.0

Farhad Manjoo @fmanjoo

916 7.0

Nigel Hawtin @nigelhawtin

917 7.0

Lenny Rachitsky @lennysan

918 7.0

seve @sevejchristian

919 7.0

Bhoka @boop

920 7.0

Ritesh Patel @ritters90

921 7.0

Palmer Luckey @PalmerLuckey

922 7.0

Dan Grover @DanGrover

923 7.0

Daniel Drezner @dandrezner

924 7.0

John Kelly tweets @johnkellytweets

925 7.0

Y Combinator @ycombinator

926 7.0

Josh Barro @jbarro

927 7.0

Vatsal @antilibrary_vk

928 7.0

Dan Hedl @danheld

929 7.0

Boz @boztank

930 7.0

aruna behara kumar @BeharaAruna

931 7.0

theodora chu @chu_onthis

932 7.0

Wtf Buildings @wtfbuildings

933 7.0

Pete Keen @zrail

934 7.0

Austan Goolsbee @Austan_Goolsbee

935 7.0

Joseph Gordon-Levitt @hitRECordJoe

936 7.0

Jon Yongfook @yongfook

937 7.0

Colin Percival @cperciva

938 7.0

Adam Robbert @AE_Robbert

939 7.0

Luke Burrage @lukeburrage

940 7.0

britt @evergreenqveen

941 7.0

Dan Luu @danluu

942 7.0

Harry's Marketing Examples @GoodMarketingHQ

943 7.0

Rob Walling @robwalling

944 7.0

John Rogers @jonrog1

945 7.0

Scott Dworkin @funder

946 7.0

~ @i_duno_dude

947 7.0

Andrés Cuervo @cwervo

948 7.0

Joy-Ann Reid @JoyAnnReid

949 7.0

Andrew Curry @nextwavefutures

950 7.0

His Triumphant Blackness: The Negro Subversive @negrosubversive

951 7.0

Kat Callahan (2 Pfizered, 2 Pfurious) 🍱 @JezebelKat

952 7.0

Robert Martinez @elrobbb

953 7.0

Tiffani Ashley Bell @tiffani

954 7.0

Judd Legum @JuddLegum

955 7.0

Iyad el-Baghdadi @iyad_elbaghdadi

956 7.0

Lyman Stone @lymanstoneky

957 7.0

Mini Grey @Bonzetta1

958 7.0

rahulvohra @rahulvohra

959 7.0

Alexis Ohanian @alexisohanian

960 7.0

Russ McSpadden @PeccaryNotPig

961 7.0

Brent Beshore @BrentBeshore

962 7.0

Peter B. Bach, MD @peterbachmd

963 7.0

Josiah Neeley 🤔 @jneeley78

964 7.0

؜ @levelsio

965 7.0

Frank Pascale @FrankPasquale

966 7.0

Charles Fain Lehman @CharlesFLehman

967 7.0

Linda Xie @ljxie

968 7.0

Rodrigo Martinez @RodrigoATCG

969 7.0

Pueo Keffer @pueokeffer

970 7.0

Jake Dunagan @dunagan23

971 7.0

Kurt Busiek @KurtBusiek

972 7.0

Kal Vepuri @kalvepuri

973 7.0

🇧🇧🇹🇹🇺🇸👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐕🌉 Ed @eparillon

974 7.0

jpa @josephpalbanese

975 7.0

Claire Lehmann @clairlemon

976 7.0

Anne Applebaum @anneapplebaum

977 7.0

Michael Fry @BigDirtyFry

978 7.0

klono trigger @sayambuIar

979 7.0

Joshua Gans @joshgans

980 7.0

Kilted Diabetic Ric @KiltedJediRic

981 7.0

PodClips @podclipsapp

982 7.0

joe @joedotslash

983 7.0

Nemil Dalal @nemild

984 7.0

Lena Gonzalez @SenGonzalez_33

985 7.0

Andy Biotech @AndyBiotech

986 7.0

APPG Future Generations @FuturesAPPG

987 7.0

./agstover.exe @AGStover

988 7.0

The Opinicon @The_Opinicon

989 7.0

Josh Highland @JoshHighland

990 7.0

Melissa Sariffodeen @melsariffodeen

991 7.0

Alliance for Science @ScienceAlly

992 7.0

Mikkel Svane @mikkelsvane

993 7.0

Bill Kristol @BillKristol

994 7.0

Ted Lieu @tedlieu

995 7.0

Nate Silver @NateSilver538

996 7.0

Neven Mrgan @mrgan

997 7.0

Wendy Suzuki @wasuzuki

998 7.0

Bloomberg Opinion @bopinion

999 7.0

Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom

1000 7.0

Timothy B. Lee @binarybits

Websites vs. baseline influence 627.1x 1.0% 627.1x 0.7% 627.0x 1.2% 605.6x 0.8% 558.1x 1.8% 557.4x 16.3% 362.2x 1.5% 333.8x 1.5% 155.2x 1.8% 113.3x 7.2% 106.7x 1.0% 20.7x 0.7% 19.6x 1.0% 12.1x 0.5% 10.0x 6.8% 8.1x 1.8% 7.1x 1.1% 5.4x 1.5% 3.5x 1.4% 2.7x 2.3% 2.7x 0.7% 2.6x 0.7% 2.5x 1.2% 2.4x 1.5% 1.9x 0.5% 1.2x 2.8% 1.1x 3.0% 1.0x 0.6% 0.8x 0.6% 0.5x 0.6% 0.2x 0.8% 0.2x 0.6% 0.1x 1.9%
Mediums vs. baseline influence 102.1x 10.8% 51.8x 2.2% 30.7x 0.8% 20.5x 1.4% 17.0x 9.2% 5.5x 36.2% 1.5x 5.6% 1.4x 0.8% 1.4x 3.4% 0.9x 1.0% 0.5x 10.7% 0.4x 0.8% 0.4x 7.3% 0.3x 0.6% 0.2x 2.3% 0.1x 1.4%
Subreddits vs. baseline influence
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/r/buttcoin 44.1x 0.9%
/r/bitcoinmarkets 43.8x 0.9%
/r/damnthatsinteresting 41.5x 0.9%
/r/poetry 15.2x 1.0%
/r/hongkong 8.1x 0.5%
/r/beamazed 6.0x 7.5%
/r/interestingasfuck 5.1x 2.6%
/r/dataisbeautiful 4.7x 23.5%
/r/themotte 4.2x 1.6%
/r/slatestarcodex 3.7x 2.1%
/r/ethereum 2.6x 2.2%
/r/pics 2.2x 1.8%
/r/coronavirus 2.1x 1.1%
/r/worldnews 0.7x 4.1%
/r/iama 0.5x 4.0%
/r/askreddit 0.3x 2.8%
/r/mapporn 0.3x 0.7%
/r/wallstreetbets 0.1x 0.6%
/r/battlestations N/Ax 5.5%
/r/rareinsults N/Ax 2.4%
/r/starcraft N/Ax 1.8%
/r/singapore N/Ax 1.8%
/r/programming N/Ax 1.7%
/r/hostilefactchecks N/Ax 1.3%
/r/coffee N/Ax 1.0%
/r/accidentalwesanderso N/Ax 0.7%
/r/machinelearning N/Ax 0.6%
/r/likeus N/Ax 0.6%
/r/longevity N/Ax 0.6%
Apple Podcasts vs. baseline influence
id1434060078 50.1x 0.7%
id1123461944 46.2x 15.0%
id315114957 36.7x 1.8%
id1316769266 36.2x 3.1%
id1236553683 34.2x 0.6%
id1497485070 33.3x 2.6%
id1346207297 32.0x 0.8%
id1517105543 28.1x 1.2%
id1400828889 27.0x 0.6%
id1502871393 22.4x 6.4%
id1438157174 15.7x 0.9%
id1469999563 13.9x 1.2%
id152249110 13.4x 3.8%
id1480586463 9.0x 0.8%
id1521896742 9.0x 0.6%
id1154105909 8.3x 1.0%
id1011668648 5.3x 0.6%
id1198765424 4.4x 0.8%
id1436051905 3.6x 0.5%
id1462324602 3.4x 0.7%
id1081584611 3.4x 6.8%
id1528594034 2.7x 1.1%
id1504128553 2.5x 7.4%
id986595124 2.5x 0.5%
id1437447846 2.4x 0.9%
id1524832743 2.2x 1.5%
id1412162689 1.5x 0.5%
id1412236217 1.2x 1.7%
id1479107698 1.0x 1.0%
id1508202790 0.3x 3.5%
id1056200096 0.3x 2.1%
id1209559177 N/Ax 1.9%
id1246993791 N/Ax 1.9%
id1406534739 N/Ax 1.3%
id1282553335 N/Ax 1.2%
id1403202032 N/Ax 1.2%
id1466697207 N/Ax 0.7%
id1172218725 N/Ax 0.6%
id1460716677 N/Ax 0.6%
id1531918384 N/Ax 0.5%
YouTube Channels vs. baseline influence
asiwind 22.1x 17.0%
jeriellsworth 22.1x 9.7%
frankflyman 22.1x 4.9%
jameslee 22.1x 2.4%
bradmehldaufan 22.1x 2.4%
2cellos 22.1x 2.4%
acapellascience 22.1x 2.4%
léakyle 22.1x 2.4%
tr7music 22.1x 2.4%
eduardodyablo 22.1x 2.4%
amberdust 22.1x 7.3%
dorkdaily N/Ax 27.3%
rudrabhamukhopadhyay N/Ax 13.7%
Patreons vs. baseline influence
rootsofprogress 38.3x 14.0%
evolvingground 6.7x 0.8%
psychpodcast 6.7x 10.0%
newdiscourses 3.3x 1.4%
neoliberalproject 2.8x 0.9%
wesleyyang 1.5x 10.9%
blockedandreported 0.7x 5.2%
shivramdas?fan_landing=true 0.5x 3.8%
lubchansky 0.0x 0.6%
visakanv N/Ax 32.1%
psychology N/Ax 8.2%
user?u=926060 N/Ax 2.3%
cosmicshambles N/Ax 1.2%
sabine?fan_landing=true N/Ax 0.8%