Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

teona | chaotic cripple ♿(they/she)

teona | chaotic cripple ♿(they/she)


Lens Rankings

Culture and Political Economy

#746 0.000122 Anarachists
#3442 0.000031 EFF
#9607 0.000000 Schumacher Circle
#9649 0.000000 Fair Vote
#9730 0.000000 Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
#9784 0.000000 Extinction Rebellion
#9797 0.000000 Claremont Institute
#9801 0.000000 Ecosocialism
#9821 0.000000 Existential Risks
#9858 0.000000 Sierra Clib


#2901 0.000038 VICE
#8953 0.000001 Techcrunch
#9874 0.000000 The Information


#9648 0.000000 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
#9720 0.000000 Crypto Political Economy
#9800 0.000000 Polkadot

Venture Capital

#9618 0.000000 Standard Crypto
#9641 0.000000 Founders Fund

Software Engineering

#9720 0.000000 Rust

Think Tanks

#9947 0.000000 RAND Corporation

Automatically Detected Communities