Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Jesse Eisinger

Jesse Eisinger


Lens Rankings


#1067 0.000121 Crypto Journalists
#5941 0.000009 Crypto VC


#1378 0.000090 New Yorker
#1628 0.000104 The New York Times
#1652 0.000066 BuzzFeed
#1867 0.000084 Wall Street Journal
#1929 0.000062 VICE
#2550 0.000051 Bloomberg Opinion
#3322 0.000019 The New York Post
#5153 0.000023 The Atlantic
#7036 0.000002 Reuters


#4462 0.000062 Baseline
#8807 0.000036 Reality-Based Community

Think Tanks

#2113 0.000061 Peterson Institute for International Economics
#9029 0.000010 Brookings
#9345 0.000009 Council on Foreign Relations

Culture and Political Economy

#2967 0.000042 Arnold Kling's Fantasy Intellectual Teams
#8130 0.000006 Harper's Open Letter

Informal Community

#4433 0.000027 Founders


#4001 0.000005 Epidemiology Journalism
#4859 0.000020 ClimateTwitter

Automatically Detected Communities