Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Malcolm Nance

Malcolm Nance


Lens Rankings

Think Tanks

#2045 0.000071 Center for American Progress
#2803 0.000019 Eurasia Group
#2987 0.000045 Brookings
#4755 0.000016 Peterson Institute for International Economics
#4819 0.000024 Council on Foreign Relations


#1904 0.000065 New Yorker
#2885 0.000051 The New York Times

Culture and Political Economy

#2455 0.000028 Degrowth
#2508 0.000049 Black Lives Matter
#5102 0.000011 Harper's Open Letter
#5124 0.000012 Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism


#2449 0.000044 EconTwitter
#6799 0.000007 Biotech


#6817 0.000019 Think Tanks
#9667 0.000013 Baseline


#6779 0.000004 IDEO Founder Collective

Automatically Detected Communities