Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?




Lens Rankings

Software Engineering

#240 0.000548 Zig
#9968 0.000000 Rust


#1613 0.000033 Cosmos
#1664 0.000050 Public Goods Funding
#2226 0.000028 Ethereum
#2451 0.000016 Decentralized Web
#9896 0.000000 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
#9968 0.000000 Crypto Political Economy

Culture and Political Economy

#1662 0.000040 Anarachists
#9855 0.000000 Schumacher Circle
#9897 0.000000 Fair Vote
#9976 0.000000 Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)


#8256 0.000008 Ars Technica

Venture Capital

#8636 0.000006 A16Z
#9865 0.000000 Standard Crypto
#9888 0.000000 Founders Fund

Think Tanks

#5817 0.000003 Adam Smith Institute

Automatically Detected Communities