Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Elly Higginbottom

Elly Higginbottom


Lens Rankings


#269 0.000533 Techcrunch
#627 0.000193 Bloomberg Opinion
#907 0.000047 Reuters
#1703 0.000080 Recode
#2431 0.000056 Wall Street Journal
#3366 0.000014 Financial Times
#4209 0.000023 Ars Technica
#5874 0.000008 The Dispatch

Culture and Political Economy

#456 0.000313 Works in Progress
#2216 0.000032 Degrowth
#2982 0.000037 Progress Studies
#6548 0.000008 Harper's Open Letter


#1268 0.000142 ClimateTwitter

Think Tanks

#1891 0.000031 Eurasia Group
#3426 0.000007 Adam Smith Institute
#9214 0.000005 Mercatus Center


#8709 0.000015 Baseline


#7761 0.000005 Crypto VC

Automatically Detected Communities