Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?



Category: Journalism
Common Ground With Other Lenses


Weighting Method: followers
Rank Score
1 10.0

Nicholas Thompson @nxthompson

2 9.9

Virginia Heffernan @page88

3 9.8

Lauren Goode @LaurenGoode

4 9.8

Noah Shachtman @NoahShachtman

5 9.8

Steven Levy @StevenLevy

6 9.8

Alex Whitcomb @AlexWhitcomb

7 9.7

Garrett Graff @vermontgmg

8 9.7

federico ferrazza @ferrazza

9 9.6

Julian Chokkattu @JulianChokkattu

10 9.6

Andy Greenberg @a_greenberg

11 9.5

Caitlin Kelly @caitlin__kelly

12 9.5

Nitasha Tiku @nitashatiku

13 9.5

Adam Rogers @jetjocko

14 9.4

Maryn McKenna @marynmck

15 9.4

Megan Greenwell @megreenwell

16 9.4

issie lapowsky @issielapowsky

17 9.4

Paul Ford @ftrain

18 9.4

Emily Dreyfuss @EmilyDreyfuss

19 9.4

paris martineau @parismartineau

20 9.3

Shannon Stirone (angel of the supermarket)💀 @shannonmstirone

21 9.3

Gretchen McCulloch @GretchenAMcC

22 9.3

Alan Henry @halophoenix

23 9.3

Michael Calore @snackfight

24 9.2

Kate Knibbs 🏄🏻‍♀️ @Knibbs

25 9.2

Siva Vaidhyanathan @sivavaid

26 9.2

Sirin Kale @thedalstonyears

27 9.2

Craig Mod @craigmod

28 9.2

Cecilia D'Anastasio @cecianasta

29 9.2

Louise Matsakis @lmatsakis

30 9.2

Evan Greer @evan_greer

31 9.1

Meghann Farnsworth @mtfarnsworth

32 9.1

Hilda Bastian, PhD @hildabast

33 9.1

Tom Simonite @tsimonite

34 9.1

Matt Laslo @MattLaslo

35 9.1

Amelia Tait @ameliargh

36 9.1

Timothy McLaughlin @TMclaughlin3

37 9.1

Ashleigh Stewart @Ash_Stewart_

38 9.1

Jesse Damiani @JesseDamiani

39 9.1

Swapna Krishna @skrishna

40 9.1

Pia Ceres @lapiaenrose

41 9.0

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @PranavDixit

42 9.0

Arielle Pardes @pardesoteric

43 9.0

Gilad Edelman @GiladEdelman

44 9.0

Roxanne Khamsi @rkhamsi

45 9.0

Richard Cooke @rgcooke

46 9.0

Thomas Goetz @tgoetz

47 9.0

Tyler Coates @tylercoates

48 9.0

Rhett Allain @rjallain

49 8.9

byron@bikehugger @bikehugger

50 8.9

Samanth Subramanian @samanth_s

51 8.9

Peter Rubin @provenself

52 8.9

Whitson Gordon @WhitsonGordon

53 8.9

Will Knight @willknight

54 8.9

Dylan Tweney @dylan20

55 8.9

Lily Hay Newman @lilyhnewman

56 8.9

jason @nonlinearnotes

57 8.9

Brendan Ian Koerner @brendankoerner

58 8.9

Chris Stokel-Walker @stokel

59 8.9

Ricki Harris @Rickithegirl

60 8.9

Oliver Franklin-Wallis @olifranklin

61 8.9

Brian Barrett @brbarrett

62 8.8

Vicki Turk @VickiTurk

63 8.8

Elizabeth Landau @lizlandau

64 8.8

Matt Burgess @mattburgess1

65 8.8

Fred Vogelstein @fvogelstein

66 8.8

collier meyerson @collier

67 8.8

Brooke Jarvis @brookejarvis

68 8.8

James Temperton @jtemperton

69 8.8

Cliff Kuang @cliffkuang

70 8.8

So-lour-darity ✊🏼 @l0uryn

71 8.8

Andrea Valdez @andreamvaldez

72 8.8

Emma Marris @Emma_Marris

73 8.7

Greg Williams @GregWilliams718

74 8.7

Jon Christian @Jon_Christian

75 8.7

Chelsea Cirruzzo @ChelseaCirruzzo

76 8.7

Kate O'Flaherty @KateOflaherty

77 8.7

Angela Watercutter @WaterSlicer

78 8.7

Alex Davies @adavies47

79 8.7

jessamyn rodriguez grey 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 @jessamyngrey

80 8.7

Whitney Phillips @wphillips49

81 8.7

Tom Vanderbilt @tomvanderbilt

82 8.7

Caitlin Roper @caitlinroper

83 8.7

Jonathan O’Callaghan @Astro_Jonny

84 8.7

Amit Katwala @amitkatwala

85 8.6

Adrienne So @adriennemso

86 8.6

Sidney Sawayama @sidneyfussell

87 8.6

Kara Platoni @KaraPlatoni

88 8.6

Scott Thurm @ScottThurm

89 8.6

Yudhanjaya Wijeratne 🐳 @yudhanjaya

90 8.6

Matt Simon @mrMattSimon

91 8.6

Daniela Hernandez @danielas_bot

92 8.6

Logan Hill @loganhill33

93 8.6

Matt Reynolds @mattsreynolds1

94 8.6

Abhishek Madhavan @AbhishekMadhavn

95 8.6

Gordy Megroz @GordyMegroz

96 8.6

Parker Hall @pwhall

97 8.6

C. Brandon Ogbunugafor @big_data_kane

98 8.6

Aarian Marshall @AarianMarshall

99 8.6

Natasha Bernal @TashaBernal

100 8.5

David Zipper @DavidZipper

101 8.5

Sammy Payne @SighSam

102 8.5

Adam Mann @adamspacemann

103 8.5

Michael Waters @michaelwwaters

104 8.5

Craig Grannell @CraigGrannell

105 8.5

Sarah Scoles @ScolesSarah

106 8.5

Alexis Sobel Fitts @fittsofalexis

107 8.5

Megan Molteni @MeganMolteni

108 8.5

Dr. Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stepanian @NellyBenHayoun

109 8.5

Sonia Paul @sonipaul

110 8.5

Allen McDuffee @AllenMcDuffee

111 8.5

Chris Baraniuk @chrisbaraniuk

112 8.5

Eric Ravenscraft @LordRavenscraft

113 8.5

Jeremy White @jeremywired

114 8.4

Elham Khatami @ekhatami

115 8.4

Lydia Belanger @LydiaBelanger

116 8.4

Anthony Lydgate @anthonylydgate

117 8.4

Julie Muncy @juliemuncy23

118 8.4

Jonno @jonnohopkins

119 8.4

JOSHUA @JournoJoshua

120 8.4

Simone Stolzoff @SimoneStolzoff

121 8.4

Vera Titunik @vtitunik

122 8.4

Jessica Bruder @jessbruder

123 8.4

Brad King @thebradking

124 8.4

Kövér Krisztina #SayTheirNames @ckoever

125 8.4

ruby lott-lavigna @RubyJLL

126 8.3

WIRED UK Events @wiredukevents

127 8.3

brendan klinkenberg @brendan_klink

128 8.3

julia bush @jabush

129 8.3

Rachel Delphin @RachyMills

130 8.3

Rachel E. Gross @rachelegross

131 8.3

Lauren Smiley @laurensmiley

132 8.3

David Zweig @davidzweig

133 8.3

Matthew Gault @mjgault

134 8.3

Yi-Ling Liu @yilingliu95

135 8.3

Ariel Zambelich @azambelich

136 8.3

Josie Thaddeus-Johns @josiet_j

137 8.3

Tyler @TylerH

138 8.2

my name is jeff @jeffscottward

139 8.2

Gary Rivlin @grivlin

140 8.2

Bahar Gholipour @BaharGholipour

141 8.2

Joseph Bien-Kahn @jbienkahn

142 8.2

Nilesh Christopher @NilChristopher

143 8.2

Maria Streshinsky @Mstreshinsky

144 8.2

Megan Logan 🏳️‍🌈 @meganlogan

145 8.2

Gloria Dickie @GloriaDickie

146 8.2

Brad Wieners @BradWieners

147 8.2

Alicia Cocchi @HellaDislike

148 8.2

Samantha Oltman @SamOltman

149 8.2

Charley Locke @Charley_Locke

150 8.1

Sophia Waterfield GAD @Pheecetious

151 8.1

Anthony Lazarus @Sr_Lazarus

152 8.1

Jake Spurlock @whyisjake

153 8.1

Chris Colin @chriscolin3000

154 8.1

Larissa Zimberoff @lzimberoff

155 8.1

Lo Bénichou @LoBenichou

156 8.1

Andrada Fiscutean @AFiscutean

157 8.1

Max Ufberg @Max_Uf

158 8.1

Peter Guest @PeterGuest

159 8.1

Molly Schwartz @mollyfication

160 8.0

GayathriVaidyanathan @gayathriv

161 8.0

Lu-Hai Liang @LuHai_Liang

162 8.0

Joe Ray @joe_diner

163 7.9

Gregory Barber @GregoryJBarber

164 7.9

Helen Santoro @helenwsantoro

165 7.9

Omer Benjakob @omerbenj

166 7.9

Justin Sherman @jshermcyber

167 7.9

Chris Farnell @thebrainofchris

168 7.9

Alessandra Ram @Alessandra_Ram

169 7.8

Marisa Olson @postmarisa

170 7.8

Sarah Elizabeth Richards @SarahE_Richards

171 7.8

Andrew Rosenblum @rosenblumandrew

172 7.8

Alex Lee @1AlexL

Account Rankings

Rank Score
1 9.1

Molly Jong-Fast @MollyJongFast

2 9.0

Gabrielle Blair @designmom

3 9.0

Heather Gold @heathr

4 9.0

Ryan Mac🙃 @RMac18

5 9.0

Stewart Brand @stewartbrand

6 9.0

kelsey mckinney @mckinneykelsey

7 9.0

Ben Collins @oneunderscore__

8 8.9

Kendra Pierre-Louis @KendraWrites

9 8.9

Joanna Stern @JoannaStern

10 8.9

SarahNRogers.psd @sarahnrogers

11 8.9

Karen Wickre ☕️💻👀 @kvox

12 8.9


13 8.9

Jed Shugerman @jedshug

14 8.9

Kam Burns @kamcburns

15 8.9

Michael Joyner @DrMJoyner

16 8.9

Brenda Stolyar @BStoly

17 8.9

Chris Fralic @chrisfralic

18 8.9

Xeni Jardin @xeni

19 8.9

Taylor Dobbs @taylordobbs

20 8.9

Corey Gaskin @real_gaskin

21 8.9

Molly McKew @MollyMcKew

22 8.9

Nick Mele @nmele

23 8.8

Karen Schwartz @pithywidow

24 8.8

Sriram Krishnan @sriramk

25 8.8

Marilynn Mendell @WinSpinCIC

26 8.8

Dylan Giambatista @VT_Dylan

27 8.8

WIRED Union @wiredunion

28 8.8

Ifeoma Ozoma @IfeomaOzoma

29 8.8

Karen K. Ho @karenkho

30 8.8

Rachel Metz @rachelmetz

31 8.8

Taylor Lorenz @TaylorLorenz

32 8.8

Charlie Pierce @CharlesPPierce

33 8.8

Adam Rawnsley @arawnsley

34 8.8

Ashley Shaffer @ashleyshafferx

35 8.8

Balaji Srinivasan @balajis

36 8.8

Lauren Gawne @superlinguo

37 8.8

Ina Fried @inafried

38 8.7

Nuclear Badger @nuclearbdgr

39 8.7

Larry Brilliant @larrybrilliant

40 8.7

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai @lorenzofb

41 8.7

Asawin Suebsaeng @swin24

42 8.7

John Hultquist @JohnHultquist

43 8.7

Josh Sternberg @joshsternberg

44 8.7

davidrlurie @davidrlurie

45 8.7

Avraham 😷 Bronstein 💉 @AvBronstein

46 8.7

Ron Hogan @RonHogan

47 8.7

Seyward Darby @seywarddarby

48 8.7

Maria Ressa @mariaressa

49 8.7

Spencer Ackerman @attackerman

50 8.7

Sam Stone @NatSecGrok

51 8.7

Greg Olear @gregolear

52 8.7

Olivia Messer 🌊 @OliviaMesser

53 8.7

Scott Bixby @scottbix

54 8.7

Parker Molloy @ParkerMolloy

55 8.7

Lachlan Markay @lachlan

56 8.7

Kate Klonick @Klonick

57 8.7

Cristóbal @cristoferdeo

58 8.7

Patrick Lucas Austin @patbits

59 8.7

Harry Siegel @harrysiegel

60 8.6

Casey Newton @CaseyNewton

61 8.6

Felicia Miranda 🫒 @feliciavagabond

62 8.6

yesthatkarim @yesthatkarim

63 8.6

Peter Kafka @pkafka

64 8.6

Michael O'Neill @alike_no

65 8.6

Elie Honig @eliehonig

66 8.6

Nicole Phillip @ncolphillip

67 8.6

Hanna Trudo @HCTrudo

68 8.6

Molly Lambert 🦔 @mollylambert

69 8.6

Erin Banco @ErinBanco

70 8.6

Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom

71 8.6

e Ártemis López (elle/they) @queerterpreter

72 8.6

Brianna Snyder @SpicyBrianna

73 8.6

Yaya @elemonated

74 8.6

Kip and the old gray fox @QualityNinja

75 8.6

Benedict Evans @benedictevans

76 8.6

The Lavin Agency @TheLavinAgency

77 8.6

Dennis Herring @dcherring

78 8.6

Lisa Tozzi @lisatozzi

79 8.6

Sarah Frier @sarahfrier

80 8.6

Craig Newmark @craignewmark

81 8.6


82 8.6

Walt Mossberg @waltmossberg

83 8.6

Les Shu @Les_Shu

84 8.6

Christina Farr @chrissyfarr

85 8.6

file under “anti-surveillance” @hypervisible

86 8.6

Justin Hendrix @justinhendrix

87 8.6

Amanda Mull @amandamull

88 8.6

Acyn @Acyn

89 8.6

M.G. Siegler @mgsiegler

90 8.6

Max Tani @maxwelltani

91 8.6

Cherlynn Low @CherlynnLow

92 8.5

Quentin Hardy @qhardy

93 8.5

Tressie McMillan Cottom @tressiemcphd

94 8.5

Walter Shapiro @MrWalterShapiro

95 8.5

Julia Carrie Wong @juliacarriew

96 8.5

Boz @boztank

97 8.5

Kayvon Beykpour @kayvz

98 8.5

Lydia Horne @lyderature

(Temporarily missing user profile)
100 8.5

Desiree Linden @des_linden

101 8.5

Downtown Brandi Frown 😾 @ItsTheBrandi

102 8.5

Chris Anderson @chr1sa

103 8.5

Eric Topol @EricTopol

104 8.5

Elizabeth Hunt Brockway @theEbrockway

105 8.5

Michael Fisher @theMrMobile

106 8.5

Marlow Stern @MarlowNYC

107 8.5

Lauren Bans @LaurenBans

108 8.5

Lyz Lenz @lyzl

109 8.5

Simone Giertz @SimoneGiertz

110 8.5

David ImeI @DurvidImel

111 8.5

sarah emerson @SarahNEmerson

112 8.5

Jacob Harris @harrisj

113 8.5

Dan Frommer @fromedome

114 8.5

Elizabeth Spiers @espiers

115 8.5

Kara Swisher @karaswisher

116 8.5

Jonathan Shecter @SheckyGreen

117 8.5

Frank X. Shaw @fxshaw

118 8.5

Tony Haile @arctictony

119 8.5

Clive Thompson @pomeranian99

120 8.5

Josh Cox @JoshCox

121 8.5

Megan Quinn @msquinn

122 8.5

Thomas Rid @RidT

123 8.5

Dieter Bohn @backlon

124 8.5

Mike Isaac @MikeIsaac

125 8.5

Jordan Crucchiola @JorCru

126 8.5

Quinn Cummings @quinncy

127 8.5

Joel D. Anderson @byjoelanderson

128 8.5

James Rebanks @herdyshepherd1

129 8.5

Emma Manning (he/they) @EmmaSManning

130 8.5

Erin Gloria Ryan @morninggloria

131 8.5

Walter Shaub @waltshaub

132 8.5

Caitlin Kelly @CaitlinKellyNYC

133 8.5

Storme Sixeas @stormestreet

134 8.5

Sam Stein @samstein

135 8.5

Matthew D. Green @matthew_d_green

136 8.5

Frida Ghitis @FridaGhitis

137 8.5

Vivian Schiller @vivian

138 8.5

(((J. Shoulson))) @JeffreyShoulson

139 8.5

Mordechai Lightstone @Mottel

140 8.5

Greg Dworkin @DemFromCT

141 8.5

Carolyn Boyle @accidntlmystic

142 8.5

Eric Columbus @EricColumbus

143 8.5

Chris Davies @c_davies

144 8.5

Brandy Zadrozny @BrandyZadrozny

145 8.5

shoshana wodinsky @swodinsky

146 8.5

Emily Nussbaum @emilynussbaum

147 8.5

Jake Williams @MalwareJake

148 8.5

Morgan Till @mtill50

(Temporarily missing user profile)
150 8.5

Will Sommer @willsommer

151 8.5

Veena Dubal @veenadubal

152 8.5

Mark Jansen @TehMadness

153 8.5

Kevin Fallon @kpfallon

154 8.5

Kanyi Maqubela @km

155 8.5

Jackie Kucinich @JFKucinich

156 8.5

Shira Ovide @ShiraOvide

157 8.5

Karen Attiah @KarenAttiah

158 8.5

Elie Mystal @ElieNYC

159 8.4

Edward Ongweso Jr @bigblackjacobin

160 8.4

Tracy Loughlin @Tracy_Loughlin

161 8.4

Wajahat Ali @WajahatAli

162 8.4

Mehdi Hasan @mehdirhasan

163 8.4

Nancy Scola @nancyscola

164 8.4

Backchannel @backchnnl

165 8.4

MacGyver Writers @MacGyverWriters

166 8.4

Carolina Milanesi @caro_milanesi

167 8.4

Alexander Chee @alexanderchee

168 8.4

Erin Blakemore @heroinebook

169 8.4

april glaser @aprilaser

170 8.4

Eva Holland @evaholland

171 8.4

Mark Scott @markscott82

(Temporarily missing user profile)
173 8.4

Katherine Bergson @KatBergsn

174 8.4

Kevin @kevination

175 8.4

Z.B. 🇺🇸 @Disasterdude_VT

176 8.4

Michael Krempasky @krempasky

177 8.4

Kurt Andersen @KBAndersen

178 8.4

Curt Milam @curtmilam

179 8.4

𝙍𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙬 @richstanislaw

180 8.4

JD Heyman @JDHeyman

181 8.4

Stefan Adler @stefanadler

182 8.4

Tim Steller @senyorreporter

183 8.4

Tiffani Ashley Bell @tiffani

184 8.4

Maggie Koerth-Baker @maggiekb1

185 8.4

Elizabeth de la Vega @Delavegalaw

186 8.4

Anna Merlan @annamerlan

(Temporarily missing user profile)
188 8.4

Thomas Paine ✊ @TomPaineToday

189 8.4

Ed Yong @edyong209

190 8.4

John Paczkowski @JohnPaczkowski

191 8.4

Mandy Velez @mandy_velez

192 8.4

Jeff Schogol @JeffSchogol

193 8.4

Prof. Paul Byrne @ThePlanetaryGuy

194 8.4

Marco Rogers @polotek

195 8.4

Del Johnson @DelJohnsonVC

196 8.4

Jason A. Johnson @DrJasonJohnson

197 8.4

mat honan @mat

198 8.4

Apoorva Mandavilli @apoorva_nyc

199 8.4

Justin Miller @justinjm1

200 8.4

Erica Baker @EricaJoy

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
203 8.4

Peter Vanham @petervanham

204 8.4

Ravi 💉💉 @ravi_hiranand

205 8.4

Anil Dash @anildash

206 8.4

Kevin Poulsen @kpoulsen

207 8.4

Corby Kummer @CKummer

208 8.4

The PS1 startup sound, but as a person @zenalbatross

209 8.4

Charlotte Clymer @cmclymer

210 8.4

Jason Goldman @goldman

211 8.4

David Rothkopf @djrothkopf

212 8.4

Daniel @danielmarcevans

213 8.4

Brianna Wu @BriannaWu

214 8.4

Felix Salmon @felixsalmon

215 8.4

Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul

216 8.4

Sarah Hagi @KindaHagi

217 8.4

Len Edgerly @lenedgerly

218 8.4

Matt Fennell @matthewfennell

219 8.4

Jeff B. tried to do his best, but he could not @EsotericCD

220 8.4

Lindsay Wiley @ProfLWiley

221 8.4

Lisa @AmidPrivilege

222 8.4

Tits McGee @Scientits

223 8.4

Mikel Jollett @Mikel_Jollett

224 8.4

Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson

225 8.4

gene park @GenePark

226 8.4

Asha Rangappa @AshaRangappa_

227 8.4

freia lobo @freialobo

228 8.4

Mary L. Trump @MaryLTrump

229 8.4

Jessica Hische @jessicahische

230 8.4

S. E. Cupp @secupp

231 8.4

Bhoka @boop

232 8.4

Adam Serwer @AdamSerwer

233 8.4

CBS This Morning @CBSThisMorning

234 8.4

Farhad Manjoo @fmanjoo

235 8.3

Goldie Goldberg @GoldieGoldberg

236 8.3

Roberto Baldwin @strngwys

237 8.3

Zing Tsjeng @misszing

238 8.3

Enes Kanter @EnesKanter

239 8.3

Ian Bremmer @ianbremmer

240 8.3

Erin Biba @erinbiba

241 8.3

Joe Słowik 👽 @jfslowik

242 8.3

Robert M. Lee @RobertMLee

243 8.3

Dan Chiasson @dchiasso

244 8.3

Darren Dahly @statsepi

245 8.3

MalwareTech @MalwareTechBlog

246 8.3

Katherine Voyles @1977khv

247 8.3

Dr. Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai @nguyen_p_quemai

248 8.3

Ockham'sToothbrush 🇺🇸#MakeGoodTrouble 🇺🇸 @gotravelgear

249 8.3

Josh Gondelman @joshgondelman

250 8.3

Ashley Feinberg @ashleyfeinberg

251 8.3

Laura Bradley @lpbradley

252 8.3

Angela Rasmussen @angie_rasmussen

253 8.3

Dan B. @freezed00

254 8.3

Eileen M. Duffy @cellarette

255 8.3

Stuart Stevens @stuartpstevens

256 8.3

Professor Fleming @alwaystheself

257 8.3

Ed Bott @edbott

258 8.3

David Pierce @pierce

259 8.3

Alberto Cairo @AlbertoCairo

260 8.3

Jacob Aron @jjaron

261 8.3

Blake News @blakehounshell

262 8.3

Zach Weinberg ™ @zachweinberg

263 8.3

Jake Tuber @heycoachpotato

264 8.3

rube heretic @RubeHeretic

265 8.3

roxannedarling.eth 🌿 Nature & Consciousness Lover @roxannedarling

266 8.3

Tristan Felix 🏳️‍🌈 @tiger

267 8.3

David Gura @davidgura

268 8.3

Miguel Helft @mhelft

269 8.3

Andrew Kornblatt @akornblatt

270 8.3

Yoni Freedhoff 🟣, MD @YoniFreedhoff

271 8.3

Andy Boxall @AndyBoxall

272 8.3

A Shady Dame From Seville @SorayaMcDonald

273 8.3

Robert Silverman @BobSaietta

274 8.3

Laura Basset @LEBassett

275 8.3

David Klion @DavidKlion

276 8.3

robert p. baird @bobbybaird

277 8.3

Lisa Lucas @likaluca

278 8.3

prawnChip dustSucker @prwnchpdustzker

279 8.3

john r stanton @dcbigjohn

280 8.3

Nilay Patel @reckless

281 8.3

Brandy Jensen @BrandyLJensen

282 8.3

Tony Romm @TonyRomm

283 8.3

Susan Hennessey @Susan_Hennessey

284 8.3

Mathew Ingram @mathewi

285 8.3


286 8.3

Martijn Grooten @martijn_grooten

287 8.3

Jason Koebler @jason_koebler

288 8.3

Kim-Mai Cutler @kimmaicutler

289 8.3

Simine Vazire @siminevazire

290 8.3

Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom

291 8.3

𝗝𝗣 he/him @JP_Payeur

292 8.3

Mark Hurst @markhurst

293 8.3

Gaia Vince @WanderingGaia

294 8.3

peter cavanaugh @donpedrodepedo

295 8.3

Janelle Shane @JanelleCShane

296 8.3

WUDAN YAN @wudanyan

297 8.3

Patrick Gray @riskybusiness

298 8.3

Emily Ramshaw @eramshaw

299 8.3

Jamelle Bouie @jbouie

300 8.3

Charlie Miller @0xcharlie

301 8.3

Kirby Conrod @kirbyconrod

302 8.3

Mike Murphy @mcwm

303 8.3

Michael Smerconish @smerconish

304 8.3

Andy Slavitt @ASlavitt

305 8.3

stephanie @isosteph

306 8.3

Karan Thakkar @KaranThakkar97

307 8.3

Liz Anarchist at Law ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 🌐 @LessThanLiz

308 8.3

Elliott Robinson @TheValuesVC

309 8.3

Jason Von Berg @JasonVonBerg

310 8.3

Emma Carew Grovum @emmacarew

311 8.3

Chamath Palihapitiya @chamath

312 8.3

Laura Helmuth @laurahelmuth

313 8.3

Stacy-Marie Ishmael @s_m_i

314 8.3

bettina makalintal @bettinamak

315 8.3

James Temple @jtemple

316 8.3

David Roth @david_j_roth

317 8.3

Dennis @DennisF

318 8.2

Chris Geidner @chrisgeidner

319 8.2

Kenn White @kennwhite

320 8.2

Jeet Heer @HeerJeet

321 8.2

Dan Hon @hondanhon

322 8.2

Nancy Baker Cahill @4thWallApp

323 8.2

Alex Roy @AlexRoy144

324 8.2

Olivia Solon @oliviasolon

325 8.2

Joan Donovan @BostonJoan

326 8.2

Caroline Haskins @caro1inehaskins

327 8.2

Ryan North @ryanqnorth

328 8.2

Veni_Vidi_Tweeti @Daniel_Red_Eire

329 8.2

neil turkewitz @neilturkewitz

(Temporarily missing user profile)
331 8.2

sarahfallon @sarahfallon

332 8.2

Astead @AsteadWesley

333 8.2

Threelittlekittens @Threelittlekit6

334 8.2

Philip Jaeger Sr. @PhilJaegerSr

335 8.2

LawAndPolitics #VOTEJOE2020 @LawAndPolitics3

336 8.2

John Sayles @johndsayles

337 8.2

Selene Hofer-Shall @seleneonline

338 8.2

Dan Smith @DanPSmith

339 8.2

Patrick Hruby @patrick_hruby

340 8.2

Spoon & Tamago @Johnny_suputama

341 8.2

Carrie Cordero @carriecordero

342 8.2

Jack Shafer @jackshafer

343 8.2

Lindsey Adler @lindseyadler

344 8.2

Jack Hamilton @jack_hamilton

345 8.2

Christian Moerk @christian_moerk

346 8.2

Rex Douglass (Computational Social Scientist/PhD) @RexDouglass

347 8.2

Empress of the Multiverse @being_nontheist

348 8.2

Alexandra Marshall @AlexMAbroad

349 8.2

Carl Stone @carlstone

350 8.2

Ed Zitron @edzitron

351 8.2

Katherine Mack @AstroKatie

352 8.2

Jaime Rivera @Jaime_Rivera

353 8.2

Daniel P. Shannon @phyllisstein

354 8.2

Jennifer Daniel @jenniferdaniel

355 8.2

Jeremy Gordon @jeremypgordon

356 8.2

Elizabeth Plank @feministabulous

357 8.2

Carl Bergstrom @CT_Bergstrom

358 8.2

Kris Alexander @kris_alexander

359 8.2

Kim Kelly @GrimKim

360 8.2

Aram Sinnreich 🗽🎶 @aram

361 8.2

Claudia Conway @claudiamconwayy

362 8.2

Jack Moore @JFXM

363 8.2

Jess Brammar @jessbrammar

364 8.2

Noga Tarnopolsky @NTarnopolsky

365 8.2

Nicole Sanchez @nmsanchez

366 8.2

Kate Brannen @K8brannen

367 8.2

Paul Holdengräber @holdengraber

368 8.2

Kevin Kelly @kevin2kelly

369 8.2

Q. Pheevr @qpheevr

370 8.2

Ellen Pao @ekp

371 8.2

Karl Bode @KarlBode

372 8.2

Antony Dapiran @antd

373 8.2

Lexi Pandell @lpandell

374 8.2

V #GlazersOut @vjeranpavic

375 8.2

anjimile @anjimilemusic

376 8.2

Michael Gartenberg @Gartenberg

377 8.2

Jillian York @jilliancyork

378 8.2

Jason Del Rey @DelRey

379 8.2

david rosenthal @drosenthal14

380 8.2

Barbie Zelizer @bzelizer

381 8.2

Carl Malamud @carlmalamud

382 8.2

isabella steger @stegersaurus

383 8.2

Shibani Mahtani @ShibaniMahtani

384 8.2

WIRED Gadget Lab @gadgetlab

385 8.2

Vicky Spratt @Victoria_Spratt

386 8.2

Lux Alptraum @LuxAlptraum

387 8.2

Urban Nymph @NymphUrban

388 8.2

Robert M. Wachter @Bob_Wachter

389 8.2

Laurie Voss @seldo

390 8.2

Angus Johnston @studentactivism

391 8.2

Vicki Boykis @vboykis

392 8.2

Joe Bernstein @Bernstein

393 8.2

alex @alex_abads

394 8.2

Steve Silberman @stevesilberman

395 8.2

Amy Hoy @amyhoy

396 8.2

Nathan Grayson @Vahn16

397 8.2

Jessi Grieser @jessgrieser

398 8.2

Scaachi Koul @Scaachi

399 8.2

rp @sleepydisease

400 8.2

darth™ @darth

401 8.2

Nsikan Akpan, PhD @MoNscience

402 8.2

Nathaniel Watson is currently on Break 🏡 @NWatsonWrites

403 8.2

Paul Graham @paulg

404 8.2

Osman Faruqi @oz_f

405 8.2

Bloomberg CityLab @CityLab

406 8.2

manu #BLM 🖖 @trekonomics

407 8.2

Thor Benson @thor_benson

408 8.2

Rita J. King @RitaJKing

409 8.2

Bree Newsome @BreeNewsome

410 8.2

Karla Monterroso 💉💉🎉 @karlitaliliana

411 8.2

ken @aquariusacquah

412 8.2

Sheera Frenkel @sheeraf

413 8.2

regynald @negroprogrammer

414 8.2

Aerica Shimizu Banks (she/her) @erikashimizu

415 8.2

Jed Schmidt @jedschmidt

416 8.2

Charlie Warzel @cwarzel

417 8.2

Rose DF @_Astro_Nerd_

418 8.2

Otegha K. Uwagba @OteghaUwagba

419 8.2

James Ball @jamesrbuk

420 8.2

Amy Maxmen, PhD @amymaxmen

421 8.2

Sophie Vershbow @svershbow

422 8.1

Anthony Rapp @albinokid

423 8.1

Jeramie Rain @jeramiedreyfuss

424 8.1

Andrei Taraschuk @andreitr

425 8.1

molly conger @socialistdogmom

426 8.1

Horkos @ the Centre for Unilateral Analysis @WylieNewmark

427 8.1

Dorothy Bishop @deevybee

428 8.1

Aaron @BobbyBigWheel

429 8.1

Robert Ziade @xxbobbyzxx

430 8.1

(Maureen Flaherty) @maureenflaherty

431 8.1

Mask Maskenberg @jjeilenberg

432 8.1

Amal El-Mohtar @tithenai

433 8.1

Hayato Huseman @hayatohuseman

434 8.1

Jaime Green @jaimealyse

435 8.1

Daniel Bader @journeydan

436 8.1

Chris Jones @EnswellJones

437 8.1

Thomas Lumley @tslumley

438 8.1

Dodes @racheld

439 8.1

Ken Yeung @thekenyeung

440 8.1

alex hern @alexhern

441 8.1

Daniel Benneworth-Gray @gray

442 8.1

Steve Kovach @stevekovach

443 8.1

Gita Jackson: know it all (derogatory) @xoxogossipgita

444 8.1

Aaron Levie @levie

445 8.1

Geoffrey A. Fowler @geoffreyfowler

446 8.1

Rowland Manthorpe @rowlsmanthorpe

447 8.1

speedy ortiz ÷ haunted painting @sad13

448 8.1

Saskia Popescu @SaskiaPopescu

449 8.1

Elsa B. Kania @EBKania

450 8.1

Damon Beres 🦇 @dlberes

451 8.1

Heather Kelly @heatherkelly

452 8.1

Donna Young @DonnaYoungDC

453 8.1

Tom Laskawy @tlaskawy

(Temporarily missing user profile)
455 8.1

Bill Geerhart @CONELRAD6401240

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
458 8.1

Rich Van Haste @richvanhaste

459 8.1

GlobalSportsParty @GlobalSportsPty

460 8.1

m i s c h a s m o m @mischasmom

461 8.1

pauline davis @huffandpuff

462 8.1

OrlyLicious 🇺🇸 @Orly_licious

463 8.1

Scott Sherratt @scottsherratt

464 8.1

Becky D @bexrousse

465 8.1

Julianna Haubner @jhaubner2

466 8.1

Mary Burkey @mburkey

467 8.1

Mossback @Mossback

468 8.1

Scott Pavek @RSPavek

469 8.1

tim weiner @Folly_and_Glory

470 8.1

Betsy Cooper @BetsOnTech

471 8.1

db @metallidan

(Temporarily missing user profile)
473 8.1

da share z0ne @dasharez0ne

474 8.1

Heidi N. Moore @moorehn

475 8.1

graham starr @GrahamStarr

476 8.1

Alan White @aljwhite

477 8.1

Doctor Sarcastic Cupcake @SarcasticCupcak

478 8.1

Mina Kimes @minakimes

479 8.1

Meira Gebel♡ @MeiraGebel

480 8.1

Prof Dame Nicky Cullum @nicolacullum

481 8.1

Jessica Dore @thejessicadore

482 8.1

David Fisman @DFisman

483 8.1

Matteo ( in individual capacity) @geminiimatt

484 8.1

Emily Anthes @EmilyAnthes

485 8.1

Runa Sandvik @runasand

486 8.1

Carey O'Donnell @ecareyo

487 8.1

Stephanie M. Lee @stephaniemlee

488 8.1

Vanessa Bain ✊❤️🛒 #BlackLivesMatter @hashtagmolotov

489 8.1

Tonya Riley @TonyaJoRiley

490 8.1

Kevin Collier @kevincollier

491 8.1


492 8.1

Elizabeth Dwoskin @lizzadwoskin

493 8.1

alanna @AlannaBennett

494 8.1

⸘Jack Rusher‽ @jackrusher

495 8.1

Young Galaxy @younggalaxy

496 8.1

Jason Scott @textfiles

497 8.1

Caity Weaver @caityweaver

498 8.1

it is what it is @itiseyemoutheye

499 8.1

Christian Kiefer @xiankiefer

500 8.1

Greg Jericho @GrogsGamut

501 8.1

The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln

502 8.1

Monica Byrne @monicabyrne13

503 8.1

erin taylor @erinisaway

504 8.1

jane c. hu @jane_c_hu

505 8.1

Talia Lavin @chick_in_kiev

506 8.1

Lindsey Barrett @LAM_Barrett

507 8.1

Blake Sobczak @BlakeSobczak

508 8.1

Eric Geller @ericgeller

509 8.1

Quarantine Book Club @QuarantineBook

510 8.1

Jenna Wortham @jennydeluxe

511 8.1

Steve @_steve2_

512 8.1

Venkatraman Ganesan @venkyloquist

513 8.1

Conor Tobin @ConorJTobin

514 8.1

Christopher OReilly @oreillchj

515 8.1

Lee Clontz @clontz

516 8.1

Karen Novak @karenjnovak

517 8.1

Aaron Bell @aaaron

518 8.1

Agis Tsaraboulidis @agisilaosts

519 8.1

Richard Robbins @rich1

520 8.1

Nick J. Longo @nickjameslongo

521 8.1

Ralph Barbagallo @flarb

522 8.1

Joanna Pearlstein @jopearl

523 8.1

Mary Hui @maryhui

524 8.1

Richard Horsey @rshorsey

525 8.1

Jeff Kosseff @jkosseff

526 8.1

Ken Klippenstein @kenklippenstein

527 8.1

Michelle Arrow @MichelleArrow1

528 8.1

Josh Spero @joshspero

529 8.1

Ben Thompson @benthompson

530 8.1

Jared Yates Sexton @JYSexton

531 8.1

LAhistory @LAhistory

532 8.1

Will Oremus @WillOremus

533 8.1

Patrick McKenzie @patio11

534 8.1

Mark O. Riedl @mark_riedl

(Temporarily missing user profile)
536 8.1

Paul Sarconi @paulsarconi

537 8.1

Karen Cingiser @cingy3

538 8.1

Nasty Bad Hombre @austin_montoya

(Temporarily missing user profile)
540 8.1

Nicholas Persac @nicholaspersac

541 8.1

Leah Rockett😷 @LRocketto

(Temporarily missing user profile)
543 8.1

Caroline Mimbs Nyce @mimbsy

544 8.1

Steve Fenn @StatHunting

545 8.1

🐘Jazzie🐘 @baddogs4343

546 8.1

Stephen John Senn @stephensenn

547 8.1

Jason Stanley @jasonintrator

548 8.1

Karyne Levy @karynelevy

549 8.1

Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell

550 8.1

several people are typing @LesHorn

551 8.1

Chris Hogg @cwhogg

552 8.0

⌗ChrisMessina @chrismessina

553 8.0

Christopher Sprigman @CJSprigman

554 8.0

Cam Wilson @cameronwilson

555 8.0

Samira Shackle @samirashackle

556 8.0

Nick Dahlink [] 💅🌈 @theregos

557 8.0

Aaron Connelly @ConnellyAL

558 8.0

Fredrick Brennan @fr_brennan

559 8.0

Alvin Lum @alvinllum

560 8.0

Shannon Palus @shanpalus

561 8.0

Lil Naco X @fidmart85

562 8.0

Lynne Tillman @glossitis

563 8.0

Jenée @jdesmondharris

564 8.0

Emily Birnbaum @birnbaum_e

565 8.0

Haleigh Hoffman @HaleighHoffman

566 8.0

Tim Turner @tim2040

567 8.0

Sarah T. Roberts @ubiquity75

568 8.0

David Liu 劉世揚 @thedak

569 8.0

Anne Helen Petersen @annehelen

570 8.0

Farahn Morgan @FarahnMorgan

571 8.0

Evan Prodromou @evanpro

572 8.0

Simon Willison @simonw

573 8.0

Maria Bustillos @mariabustillos

574 8.0

Kieran Healy @kjhealy

575 8.0

Karen McGrane @karenmcgrane

576 8.0

Emily Bell @emilybell

577 8.0

Thomas Brewster @iblametom

578 8.0

Yoshi Carroll @yoshicarroll

579 8.0

Daniel Summers, MD @WFKARS

580 8.0

Jonquilyn Hill @jonquilynhill

581 8.0

visa is almost done ✍🏾📖 @visakanv

582 8.0

Gregg Gonsalves @gregggonsalves

583 8.0

Get Better Records @GetBetterRecs

584 8.0

Neil Clancy @ClancyNeil

585 8.0

Mangy Jay @magi_jay

586 8.0

H e t e r o t o p ia @ArtsOfExistence

587 8.0

Sean Kennedy @pubhealth_sean

588 8.0

Nicole Kobie @njkobie

589 8.0

Pronounced Sher - Elle @Sherrell_Dorsey

590 8.0

Zoé @ztsamudzi

591 8.0

Ian Bogost @ibogost

592 8.0

Fiona Sturges @FionaSturges

593 8.0

Dr. Maya L. Rosen @mayalrosen

594 8.0

David M. Perry @Lollardfish

595 8.0

Tracy Jan @TracyJan

596 8.0

Michael E. Brown @plutokiller

597 8.0

Prof Shafi Ahmed PhD FRCS @ShafiAhmed5

598 8.0

eric nusbaum @ericnus

599 8.0

Patrick @atomicpopWI

600 8.0

Vyvanse Macabre @bombsfall

601 8.0

Jennifer Mercieca @jenmercieca

602 8.0

Laura Snapes @laurasnapes

603 8.0

Tracy Chou @triketora

604 8.0

Jason Tropp @tropp

605 8.0

Chris DeGraw @De_capitalG

606 8.0

Medea Giordano @medeajulianna

607 8.0

Hanzo_Green @HanzoGreen

608 8.0

Ariel Edwards-Levy @aedwardslevy

609 8.0

Fiona Fidler @fidlerfm

610 8.0

Laura Wagner @laurawags

611 8.0

BDG Union Member Dais Johnston @thegoodolddais

612 8.0

jenny (phire) zhang @phirephoenix

613 8.0

MarshaWray “Love is what it’s all about” @MarshaWrayLowry

614 8.0

Michael Gold, Psy.D. (He/Him/His) @drmichaelgold

615 8.0

The Cocaína MI BONDS @MrNukemCocaine

616 8.0

MacGyver @MacGyverCBS

617 8.0


618 8.0

Jeffrey Van Camp @JeffreyVC

619 8.0

でじこと Dexter Thomas @dexdigi

620 8.0

Rachel Syme @rachsyme

621 8.0

J. A. Guerrero-Saade @juanandres_gs

622 8.0

John Pavlovitz @johnpavlovitz

623 8.0

Ryan Naraine @ryanaraine

624 8.0

Danielle Citron @daniellecitron

625 8.0

Pamela Colloff @pamelacolloff

626 8.0

Julian Sanchez @normative

627 8.0

MJ Franklin @heyitsfranklin2

628 8.0

Andrew Nachemson @ANachemson

629 8.0

Terri White @Terri_White

630 8.0

Toula Drimonis @ToulasTake

631 8.0

Rachel Cheung @rachel_cheung1

632 8.0

GenusCorvidae - Black Lives Matter 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ @GenusCorvidae

633 8.0

Chloe Condon @ChloeCondon

634 8.0

james hennessy @jrhennessy

635 8.0

Moby Dick @MobyDickatSea

636 8.0

Melody Schreiber @m_scribe

637 8.0

Josh Maxwell @maxwelljosh

638 8.0

Lizzie O'Leary @lizzieohreally

639 8.0

Jessie Christiansen @aussiastronomer

640 8.0

evelyn douek @evelyndouek

641 8.0

Alex Kantrowitz @Kantrowitz

642 8.0

chris person @Papapishu

643 8.0

GoodRx @GoodRx

644 8.0

Clara Jeffery @ClaraJeffery

645 8.0

Yashar Ali @yashar

646 8.0 🖖 @TrekCore

647 8.0

Rob @RobCabrera

648 8.0

Luke Epplin @LukeEpplin

649 8.0

Guillaume Verdon @quantumVerd

650 8.0

Tim Hwang @timhwang

651 8.0

Zonker🍹dot🍹 @BarstoolZ

652 8.0

CaTa @catalystmic

653 8.0

Planetizen @planetizen

654 8.0

John Gruber @gruber

655 8.0

Daniel Kreiss @kreissdaniel

656 8.0

Josh Brown @joshkebab

657 8.0

Parker Higgins @xor

658 8.0

Charlotte Alter @CharlotteAlter

659 8.0

Becca Lewis @beccalew

660 8.0

Dustin Volz @dnvolz

661 8.0

Quinn Norton @quinnnorton

662 8.0

Dawn Metcalfe @DawnPDSi

663 8.0

Gillian Branstetter @GBBranstetter

664 8.0

Jerome Hardaway 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @JeromeHardaway

665 8.0

cron mom @sophaskins

666 8.0

Dr. Matt Lee @mattl

667 8.0

Robyn Kanner @robynkanner

668 8.0

jenntenmann’s @jennschiffer

669 8.0

Jessamyn West @jessamyn

670 8.0

Matthew Brooker @mbrookerhk

671 8.0

David W. Brown @dwbwriter

672 8.0

Ian Whitney @iancwhitney

673 8.0

abolish the filibuster @onekade

674 8.0

Russell Jackson @rustyjacko

675 8.0

Eugene Wei @eugenewei

676 8.0

Sarah Hughes @sarahjphughes

677 8.0

Jeneen Interlandi @JInterlandi

678 8.0

CEO of Yelling @ChantayyJayy

679 8.0

Ian Walker @iantothemax

680 8.0

Ana Valens @acvalens

681 8.0

Holly Anderson @HollyAnderson

682 8.0

Jeff Bigham @jeffbigham

683 8.0

Andres “Brood X Protector” Almeida 🏳️‍🌈 @andresdavid

684 7.9

NJN (Founder of NoPro.) @noahjnelson

685 7.9

Munroe Bergdorf @MunroeBergdorf

686 7.9

Veronica de Souza @HeyVeronica

687 7.9

Kashmir Hill @kashhill

688 7.9

Megha Rajagopalan @meghara

689 7.9

Rikker Dockum /ɹɪkɹ̩/ @thai101

690 7.9

nicole sweeney @sweeneysays

691 7.9

Dario Taraborelli @ReaderMeter

692 7.9

Hayes Brown @HayesBrown

693 7.9

susan silver @suz_8

694 7.9

Janet Somerville @janetsomerville

695 7.9

Ethan Gach @ethangach

696 7.9

Josie Duffy Rice @jduffyrice

697 7.9

Rabih Alameddine @rabihalameddine

698 7.9

John Wenz @johnwenz

699 7.9

Alastair Tse 😷 @liquidx

700 7.9

wear a mask @bcl400

701 7.9

Thomas Zurbuchen @Dr_ThomasZ

702 7.9

Kevin Beaumont @GossiTheDog

(Temporarily missing user profile)
704 7.9

Adam ⁠🆒 @AdamLukas17

705 7.9

Luke Larsen @lalarsen11

706 7.9

Keith Nelson Jr @JusAire

707 7.9

Daniel Andrews @DanielAndrewsMP

708 7.9

Cape Diamond @cape_diamond

709 7.9

Mikey Smith @mikeysmith

710 7.9

Michael Veale @mikarv

711 7.9

Jenny McGrath @JennyMcGeez

712 7.9

Will Fulton @thewillennium

713 7.9

thot leedurr @DocDre

714 7.9

jes skolnik @modernistwitch

715 7.9

BSME @bsmeinfo

716 7.9

Amy Alexander @AmyAlex63

717 7.9

julie pagano @juliepagano

718 7.9

tami 🌻 @tamiforrester

719 7.9

Victoria Jaggard @vmjaggard99

720 7.9

Gretchen Peters @GretchenSPeters

721 7.9

jedmund is at home @jedmund

722 7.9

André Picard @picardonhealth

723 7.9

Joshua Benton @jbenton

724 7.9

Jonathan A. Eisen @phylogenomics

725 7.9

Diane Doniol-Valcroze @ddoniolvalcroze

726 7.9

Jane Lytvynenko @JaneLytv

727 7.9

Rats @RatsEveryHour

728 7.9

eleanormorgan @eleanormorgan

729 7.9

🔥 Czar of Truth, Empire of Reason 🔥 @Silent_Kindling

730 7.9

Swara Ahmed @spiderswarz

731 7.9

James DeSarno @j_desarno

732 7.9

Nilanjana S. Roy @nilanjanaroy

733 7.9

Camille Herron @runcamille

734 7.9

Jon Mooallem @jmooallem

735 7.9

Abby Beall @abbybeall

736 7.9

Jonathan McDowell @planet4589

737 7.9

alfred 🆖 @alfredwkng

738 7.9

Jennifer Hale @jhaletweets

739 7.9

Carlos del Rio @CarlosdelRio7

740 7.9

Virginia Hughes @virginiahughes

741 7.9

casey @CTWritePretty

742 7.9

Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

743 7.9

Saira Mueller @SairaMueller

744 7.9

susie @banikarim

745 7.9

Celeste Ng @pronounced_ing

746 7.9

Dr. Mapperwocky 💥⛰⚒ @cirquelar

747 7.9

Sean Gleeson @seanjgleeson

748 7.9

Arif Khalik @_akhalik

749 7.9

Robert McNees @mcnees

750 7.9

Nicholas G. Evans @neva9257

751 7.9

Noah Berlatsky @nberlat

752 7.9

Samantha Powell @sdpowell1

753 7.9

Sanjay Subrahmanyan @sanjaysub

754 7.9

Siddhartha Vaidyanathan @sidvee

755 7.9

maya kosoff @mekosoff

756 7.9

kilgore trout, junky horse @KT_So_It_Goes

757 7.9

Sammy Lawrence @SammyBytes

758 7.9

Jer Thorp @blprnt

759 7.9

T M Krishna @tmkrishna

760 7.9

Quinn Eastman @qeastman

761 7.9

Chris Labarthe @chris_labarthe

762 7.9

Cassandra Quave @QuaveEthnobot

763 7.9

Sarah Cooper @sarahcpr

764 7.9

Sushant Singh @SushantSin

765 7.9

Lance Richardson @lancerichardson

766 7.9

Michael Marshall Smith @ememess

767 7.9

Sarah @Sarah_Talks

768 7.9

Toby Moses @tobymoses

769 7.9

Tessa Miller @TessaJeanMiller

770 7.9

Kathryn Bromwich @kathryn42

771 7.9

Tom Philpott @tomphilpott

772 7.9

Brianna Westbrook @BWestbrookAZ8

773 7.9

Ben Machell @ben_machell

774 7.9

Archie Bland @archiebland

775 7.9

Megha Mohan @meghamohan

776 7.9

Matt Eagles 💙🧠 @MattEagles

777 7.9

steve o'grady @sogrady

778 7.9

Camille Fournier @skamille

779 7.9

Sarah Emerson @_loveallthis

780 7.9

Ben Lamb @bennyfactor

781 7.9

Josh Gee @jgee

782 7.9

Joel 𝓓𝓾𝓮𝓬𝓴 🕯🦴 @joeld

783 7.9

Tom Rudczynski @tfpk

784 7.9

Christa Neu @neuey

785 7.9

Maarten van Smeden @MaartenvSmeden

786 7.9

jo livingstone @Jo_Livingstone

787 7.9

Buzz Andersen @buzz

788 7.9

Katherine Maher @krmaher

789 7.9

Charlotte Jee @charlottejee

790 7.9

Wagatwe Wanjuki @wagatwe

791 7.9

Graham Webster @gwbstr

792 7.9

Garrett Zumini @GarrettZumini

793 7.9

elizabeth ballou #blacklivesmatter @lizbetballou

794 7.9

Shawn “Masks Up” Taylor 🇯🇲🇵🇷🇺🇸 @reallovepunk

795 7.9

Alexander O. Smith @aokajiya

796 7.9

Tim Lahey, MD, MMSc @TimLaheyMD

797 7.9

Kevin Slavin @slavin_fpo

798 7.9

Richard Lehman @RichardLehman1

799 7.9

Termy Cornall @TermyCornall

800 7.9

Sameer ud Dowla Khan @SameerudDowla

801 7.9

Kit (they/them) @tale_of_the_fox

802 7.9

Lena Ackermann needs a break @_lenaackermann

803 7.9

May Helena Plumb @mayhplumb

804 7.9

Dr. Elizabeth Sacha Baroness Cohen @alixabeth

805 7.9

Lingthusiasm @lingthusiasm

806 7.9

Alex Pareene @pareene

807 7.9

Maddie Stone @maddiestone

808 7.9

John Fetterman @JohnFetterman

809 7.9

Shannon Mattern @shannonmattern

810 7.9

Leslie Schrock @lesliejz

811 7.9

Samuel V Scarpino @svscarpino

812 7.9

Zack Whittaker @zackwhittaker

813 7.9

Marina Koren @marinakoren

814 7.9

Rob Liguori @robxlii

815 7.9

Jon Becker @jonbecker

816 7.9

Brendan Nyhan @BrendanNyhan

817 7.9

Bill Grueskin @BGrueskin

818 7.9

Ed Caesar @edcaesar

(Temporarily missing user profile)
820 7.9

Ash 'Ted Lasso's Biscuit Recipe' Parrish @adashtra

821 7.9

Jacob Brogan @Jacob_Brogan

822 7.9

Scott Hanselman @shanselman

823 7.9

Daniel Engber @danengber

824 7.9

J. Nathan Matias @natematias

825 7.9

Matt Lewis @mattklewis

826 7.9

Joseph Menn @josephmenn

827 7.9

Laura Hayes @LauraHayesDC

828 7.9

Sonia Weiser @weischoice

829 7.9

Stevie Finegan @StevieFinegan

830 7.9

Gina Trapani @ginatrapani

831 7.9

Internet Person™⭐️ @TimHerrera

832 7.9

Oliver Reichenstein @reichenstein

833 7.9

Emma Roller @emmaroller

834 7.9

Jules Mattsson @julesmattsson

835 7.9

Marcin Wichary @mwichary

836 7.9

Lil Uzi Hurt 🥺 @lostblackboy

837 7.9

James.mp3 @t_cutlet

838 7.9

Ben Jenkins @bencjenkins

839 7.9

𝖊𝖌𝖌 @emmaggarland

(Temporarily missing user profile)
841 7.9

chef mark best @markbest

842 7.9

dave graney @davegraney

843 7.8

vivi 🚀 preVTuber ☢️ @vividlyASMR

844 7.8

Cecilia Kang 강 미선 @ceciliakang

845 7.8

Alessia Costantini @AlessiaSimonne

846 7.8

Monica Macer @MonicaMacer

847 7.8

Dave Lee @DaveLeeFT

848 7.8

Tim Morris @tmorris_mrc

849 7.8

Daniel Haran @danielharan

850 7.8

Zachary Lipton @zacharylipton

851 7.8

Aaron Derfel @Aaron_Derfel

852 7.8

Trisha Greenhalgh @trishgreenhalgh

853 7.8

Pauline Acalin @w00ki33

854 7.8

David Mack @davidmackau

855 7.8

Seamus Blackley @SeamusBlackley

856 7.8

Sophie Charara @sophiecharara

857 7.8

harnidh @chiaseedpuddin

858 7.8

Srinivas Kodali @digitaldutta

859 7.8

Mun-Keat Looi @munkeatlooi

860 7.8

Antonio Regalado @antonioregalado

861 7.8

Caroline Sinders @carolinesinders

862 7.8

Brie Barbee @briebarbee

863 7.8

George Koroneos 🗿🍹 @GLKCreative

864 7.8

Mathew Katz @MathewKatz

865 7.8

Jake Rossman @ptownjake

866 7.8

Beth Osborne @BethOsborneT4A

867 7.8

Matthew R "Amongst The Vaccinated" Francis @DrMRFrancis

868 7.8

jason c. @netw3rk

869 7.8

Mike Epstein @bombur

870 7.8

Hiroshi Lockheimer @lockheimer

871 7.8

PJ in SoCal @PJSoCal

872 7.8

Millie Tran @millie

873 7.8

Jordan @cocktailchem

874 7.8

J. Escobedo Shepherd @jawnita

875 7.8

Max Weinbach @MaxWinebach

876 7.8

justin m. duke @jmduke

877 7.8

Ryan Calo @rcalo

878 7.8

Christopher Drum @christopherdrum

879 7.8

fukumimi @fukumimi

880 7.8

Andrew Lawrence @ndrew_lawrence

881 7.8

Zac Bissonnette @ZacBissonnette

882 7.8

Dan Saltzstein @dansaltzstein

883 7.8

Ako @akokitamura

884 7.8

Rod Breslau @Slasher

885 7.8

Adam Lisagor @adamlisagor

886 7.8

Penny Lane @lennypane

887 7.8

David Itzkoff @ditzkoff

888 7.8

Henrik Moltke @moltke

889 7.8

Jessica Winter @winterjessica

890 7.8

Artists of Colour @artistsofcolour

891 7.8

Deborah E. McDowell @dem8z

892 7.8

Dan Goodin @dangoodin001

893 7.8

Jack Rhysider @JackRhysider

894 7.8

Robert Ballecer @padresj

895 7.8

Jorge Arangure @jorgearangure

896 7.8

Nu Wexler @wexler

897 7.8

Trevor Timm @trevortimm

898 7.8

Michelle Markowitz @michmarkowitz

899 7.8

John Edwin Mason @johnedwinmason

900 7.8

DeliberativeMedia @UVAMediaLab

901 7.8

T謝 @t1ffany4scale

902 7.8

K Tse @ktse852

903 7.8

Akiyoshi Kitaoka @AkiyoshiKitaoka

904 7.8

Bradford Pearson @BradfordPearson

905 7.8

Keri Leigh Merritt, Ph.D. @KeriLeighMerrit

906 7.8

Sylvia Sierra @sociolinguista

907 7.8

Lilian Edwards @lilianedwards

908 7.8

Tom Kimmerer, PhD @tomkimmerer

909 7.8

Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 @XinqiSu

910 7.8

Jake Swearingen @JakeSwearingen

911 7.8

Frank Bongiorno @fbongiornoanu

(Temporarily missing user profile)
913 7.8

James Whitbrook @Jwhitbrook

914 7.8

Rebekah Valentine @duckvalentine

915 7.8

Mike Chen @mikechenwriter

916 7.8

🤘🏾🏳️‍🌈 Bapman 🌏🖖🏾🇧🇩🤟🏾 @THE_Bapman

917 7.8

Mary H.K. Choi *YOLK is out NOW. In THIS economy.* @choitotheworld

918 7.8

Alison Croggon @alisoncroggon

919 7.8

Táint Sashay @taintsashay

920 7.8

Miles Dilworth @MilesDilworth

921 7.8

Ann Lee @_ann_lee

922 7.8

Bo Yeon Kim @extspace

923 7.8

Ed Cumming @edcumming

924 7.8

Nicky Woolf @NickyWoolf

925 7.8

Basia Cummings @basialcummings

926 7.8

T$E CHUN @thetzechun

927 7.8

Corinne Redfern @CorinneRedfern

928 7.8

Sister Walburga💙 @SisterWalburga

929 7.8

Minnie Stephenson @MinnieStephC4

930 7.8

Jenny Stevens @jenny_stevens

931 7.8

jonathan nunn @demarionunn

932 7.8

Daniel Dale @ddale8

933 7.8

Scott Lucas @scottlucas

934 7.8

doug hirsch @dougjoe

935 7.8

Annalisa Merelli @missanabeem

936 7.8

rajesh tahil @rajeshtahil

937 7.8

Eric Smith @ericsmithrocks

938 7.8

Meera Mohanty 🇮🇳 @meeramohanty

939 7.8

Vinay Aravind 🇵🇸 @vinayaravind

940 7.8

Robin Sloan @robinsloan

941 7.8

James A.J. Heathers @jamesheathers

942 7.8

Eva Wiseman @EvaWiseman

943 7.8

Pandora Sykes @PINsykes

944 7.8

Boris Barbour @BorisBarbour

945 7.8

Drew but What's Going On @drewphish

946 7.8

Deborah Blum @deborahblum

947 7.8

Wilson Cruz @wcruz73

948 7.8

nick farina 💘 @nick_farina

949 7.8

P. H. Lee @P_H_Lee

950 7.8

Bronwyn @bronwyn

951 7.8

Sabina Pagotto @spagotto

952 7.8

Lara Clarke @otherteenreader

953 7.8

Sunny Ananthanarayan ˈsɐŋkɐlp ɐˈnɐn̪t̪ɐˌnɑrɑjɐn @toomuchling

954 7.8

Laura Bailey @linguistlaura

955 7.8

Abi Jones @jonesabi

956 7.8

Yasmin Khan @yasmin_khan

957 7.8

Scott Nover @ScottNover

958 7.8

Meredith Whittaker @mer__edith

959 7.8

Mika McKinnon @mikamckinnon

960 7.8

Emma Barnett @Emmabarnett

961 7.8

Movement 4 Black Lives @Mvmnt4BlkLives

962 7.8

Jaime Harrison @harrisonjaime

963 7.8

Charles Ying @charlietuna

964 7.8

Nicholson Baker @nicholsonbaker8

965 7.8

Ian J. O'Neill @astroengine

966 7.8

Jeff Hobbs @jeffehobbs

967 7.8

bigger scarier dave @davidhsiegel

968 7.8

clothilde @_cynar

969 7.8

Francis 🏴‍☠️ Gulotta @reconbot

970 7.8

Meg Lemke @meglemke

971 7.8

Caleb Crain @caleb_crain

972 7.8

Dan Phiffer @dphiffer

973 7.8

Postlight @Postlight

974 7.8

Sidin Vadukut @sidin

975 7.8

💀Bob Lynch💀 @Bob4Florida

976 7.8

We Are the Mutants @WeAreTheMutants

977 7.8

Bonnie Hogue @bonhogue

978 7.8

Don't mind me. Im just bored @KevinBRoss4

979 7.8

Sarah M. Gilman @Sarah_Gilman

980 7.8

The Antarctic Report @AntarcticReport

981 7.8

Soo Youn @lalasoo

982 7.8

Dan Sinker @dansinker

983 7.8

Steve Kandell @SteveKandell

984 7.8

José Vadi @vadiparty

985 7.8

Alexis Coe @AlexisCoe

986 7.8

Sandra E. Garcia @S_Evangelina

987 7.8

Sarafina Nance @starstrickenSF

988 7.8

Oliver Farry 💉💉 @ofarry

989 7.8

southpaw @nycsouthpaw

990 7.8

Transit 💉 💉 Jam @Transit_Jam

991 7.8

Mary Callahan @marypcallahan

992 7.8

Lindsay Gibbs @linzsports

993 7.8

Kemi Alemoru @kemioliviax

994 7.8

James Vincent @jjvincent

995 7.8

Never Garner Give You Up, Never Garner Let You ... @JamieLeftPeg

996 7.8

Shelby Grad @shelbygrad

997 7.8

elle hardy @ellehardy

(Temporarily missing user profile)
999 7.8

modern day weatherman @matt_berry01

1000 7.8

Chris Boyd 🇬🇧🇵🇭 @paperghost

Websites vs. baseline influence 38.9x 8.6% 9.4x 9.4% 3.5x 1.1% 2.7x 0.8% 2.1x 2.5% 1.8x 1.6% 1.5x 1.0% 1.4x 0.7% 1.3x 0.7% 1.2x 0.9% 1.1x 0.7% 1.1x 0.8% 1.0x 1.2% 1.0x 1.1% 0.9x 2.1% 0.9x 0.6% 0.7x 1.0% 0.6x 8.6% 0.6x 1.7% 0.5x 1.9% 0.4x 3.1% 0.4x 1.1% 0.3x 0.8%
GitHub vs. baseline influence 23.1x 5.4% 16.1x 14.3% 16.1x 0.8% 16.1x 0.8% 11.6x 4.5% 7.0x 0.6% 6.1x 2.1% 6.1x 0.7% 6.1x 0.5% 4.3x 0.8% 3.7x 1.3% 3.0x 1.6% 1.6x 0.9% 1.6x 2.8% 1.6x 1.2% 1.4x 0.7% 1.2x 0.7% 1.0x 0.7% 0.7x 1.5% 0.5x 0.8% 0.5x 0.8% 0.2x 1.6% N/Ax 2.2% N/Ax 1.8% N/Ax 1.7% N/Ax 1.3% N/Ax 1.2% N/Ax 1.0% N/Ax 1.0% N/Ax 0.8% N/Ax 0.7% N/Ax 0.7% N/Ax 0.6% N/Ax 0.6% N/Ax 0.6% N/Ax 0.6%
Subreddits vs. baseline influence
/r/emacs 26.2x 6.4%
/r/dadjokes 26.2x 4.3%
/r/asoiaf 22.7x 0.6%
/r/gpt3 21.4x 1.2%
/r/ubc 6.9x 1.0%
/r/dataisbeautiful 5.2x 25.7%
/r/funny 4.6x 1.0%
/r/sanfrancisco 2.8x 0.7%
/r/politicalhumor 2.3x 1.2%
/r/aww 2.2x 4.0%
/r/iama 2.2x 19.3%
/r/pics 1.6x 1.3%
/r/theexpanse 1.6x 0.8%
/r/interestingasfuck 1.5x 0.8%
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/r/blogsnark 0.6x 0.6%
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/r/science 0.5x 1.2%
/r/nyc 0.4x 0.8%
/r/cyberpunkgame 0.3x 0.6%
/r/amitheasshole 0.3x 0.9%
/r/wallstreetbets 0.1x 0.9%
/r/ladyboners N/Ax 0.7%
/r/singapore N/Ax 0.7%
Apple Podcasts vs. baseline influence
id1093260018 40.6x 12.5%
id1355180130 30.6x 1.2%
id1507789088 11.3x 0.6%
id1080467174 4.9x 2.9%
id913805339 4.6x 0.7%
id1268527882 4.5x 0.7%
id1508202790 4.4x 47.1%
id1462324602 4.2x 0.8%
id1250180134 4.1x 2.2%
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id1528594034 3.2x 1.4%
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id1460055316 1.0x 0.5%
id1545174922 0.8x 1.1%
id1484430582 0.3x 0.6%
id1056200096 0.1x 0.6%
Patreons vs. baseline influence
chibird?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=tyshare2 24.7x 3.3%
nightcall 15.8x 5.5%
highlightreel 14.0x 16.6%
lightindustry 12.5x 0.9%
jaybeware?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare2 9.4x 0.7%
barredindc 5.6x 0.6%
oliviamesser 5.4x 13.1%
susie 4.5x 2.0%
tarfureport 3.1x 1.0%
jeeyonshim 2.8x 1.8%
aminus 2.3x 1.5%
bethbourdon 2.2x 10.9%
taliajane 1.9x 1.6%
freelancingwithtim 1.1x 3.5%
nuclearanthro 0.6x 0.8%
wesleyyang 0.2x 1.5%
blockedandreported 0.2x 1.1%
shivramdas?fan_landing=true 0.1x 0.5%
lubchansky 0.0x 1.4%
visakanv N/Ax 13.9%
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evanyou N/Ax 1.4%
crashcourse?ty=a N/Ax 1.2%
rac N/Ax 1.1%
akokitamura N/Ax 0.9%
andrewstafford N/Ax 0.6%
YouTube Channels vs. baseline influence
paradiseofbachelors 53.4x 6.7%
dumpster3403 53.4x 6.7%
truthnwords 13.7x 6.4%
dcccvideo 13.7x 6.4%
andreyukrainskiy 7.9x 1.3%
impala-topic 7.6x 7.5%
zaralarssonmusicvevo 5.8x 0.7%
thetonightshowstarringjimmyfallon 5.8x 0.7%
tmbgkids 5.6x 3.8%
davidpakmanshow 3.9x 3.8%
colino'leary 2.8x 2.7%
davidlachapellestudio 2.1x 3.1%
thedailywire 1.7x 0.6%
andreagiglio 1.0x 0.9%
uglycliche 0.9x 1.4%
vicenews 0.8x 0.7%
movieclips 0.7x 2.4%
gtawiseguy 0.6x 0.8%
washingtonpost 0.6x 2.9%
sweepmoon 0.6x 3.9%
chrisfleming 0.6x 3.9%
artsmeme 0.6x 2.6%
bmk 0.6x 2.6%
nancigriffith-topic 0.6x 1.3%
jimbo206 0.6x 1.3%
raspberriesandrum 0.6x 1.3%
eclectotuber 0.6x 1.3%
hardballget 0.6x 1.3%
patriziapepe 0.6x 1.3%
movieendings 0.6x 1.3%
josetucci 0.6x 1.3%
dorkdaily N/Ax 4.3%
rudrabhamukhopadhyay N/Ax 2.1%
billyjoelvevo N/Ax 2.0%
marieruggirello N/Ax 0.5%